This Full Moon carries a lot of emotional energy, which means it is important to protect and be mindful of our energetic bodies. It also carries a strong nurturing energy, making self-love and self-care a top priority. You don’t have to worry about what intentions to set. Simply sit back and allow yourself to be guided. Allow yourself to surrender to the flow of the Universe.
Just put your hands up and say- I am ready, I am open, I want to be guided, I want to be lead to my highest destiny. By opening yourself to the cosmos, by practicing lots of acceptance, self-love, and self-care, the Universe will unlock all the doors it needs to, and in time, you will be able to walk through them all one by one. The tides are changing and shifting, a new cycle is blossoming, and you are blossoming along with it.
- Tanaaz Chubb