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Showing posts from July 6, 2015

The sun

I saw today in the street this symbol again. Once my love draw that. The explanation of this symbol is truly powerfull and amazing!! As an ASTROLOGICAL  Symbol, the Dot within a Circle represents the Sun. As an alchemy symbol, the Dot within a Circle represents GOLD . However, as an esoteric Symbol, The Dot within a Circle embodies much deeper Lessons and Principles. The Circle  represents The Infinite; Eternity. It also represents the flow of Time and the ever repeating Cycles of Eternity which have no beginning and no end; Cycles which, when complete, flow back into themselves and repeat ANEW . We find this cyclical Truth also represented, Symbolically, by the Ouroboros: the serpent swallowing its own tail. Cycles can be Infinitely long or Infinitesimally short. There are quantum cycles, daily cycles, monthly cycles, annual cycles, generational cycles and cataclysmic cycles. Cataclysmic Cycles occur when the...

Two of cups

Situation:   Two of Cups Main (positional) meaning  |  General  |  Position Reason cannot decipher the synergy of this situation because it is happening on a heart level. The card that lands in the Situation position refers to social or circumstantial factors which could be affecting your LIFE  at this time. When the Two of Cups is in this position, you are dealing with a situation that may be permeated by a romantic, idealistic and psychically open quality. Such a state of affairs practically suspends the ordinary rules of reason. It is as if you are operating within a reality where your sensors work better than your logical mind. You may want to feel your way through this situation rather than relying on intellect. It's not that things are doomed to being irrationally erratic. It's just that something in the air transcends logic as psychic, emotional and spiritual energies permeate the atmosphere.


I admire people that have been through dark times came out of them and still shining. I admire you

May we all have peace in our hearts. Amen

Milk alternative

You can try many other ways to have your milk instead of drinking animals milk which we are not supposed to have. Like the human mother that makes milk just for her baby that is the same thing with animals. The only milk we should drink its the one that our mother gives us when we are babies. We dont actually need the milk in our diet, and we dont have to make so many animals suffer out of it.


whats up squarrels?

I didn’t know love…until I knew you You have no idea how much I love you. I love you now, in this very moment, more than I have ever loved you. More than I ever thought it is possible to love. You have given Me that gift. Do you see now why I said that you are My Gift? You are My entire existence, My entire world, My Universe, My Everything! I didn’t know love, until I knew You. Never have truer words been spoken. I love you! Let Me say it again and again and again. I love you! I love how brave you are, how courageous you are for being here, as Me, in this sometimes restricting physical form that you agreed to take because you love Me too. I love that you gave yourself tiny physical imperfections so that you could learn to love those imperfections as a part of Who You Are, even though to Me, through My eyes, you are perfect in every way and always will be. I love how strong you are even though you think you are weak sometimes. I love the mountains of faith you have even tho...

Angel Phoenix


Yes to Lovers

Στο ζωικό βασίλειο μόνο ο άνθρωπος ερωτεύεται και ποθεί αδιάκοπα, ανεξάρτητα από τις περιόδους αναπαραγωγής. Ο ερωτευμένος νιώθει μια δύναμη, που τον ωθεί να αφεθεί στα συναισθήματα του και να ενωθεί με τον άλλο, καθώς αναζητά την αγάπη, την οικειότητα, την επαφή. Όταν αγγίζει και αγγίζεται αποκτά υπόσταση, γίνεται ορατός, γήινος, νιώθει επιθυμητός, ανακαλύπτει τα όρια του εαυτού του και του άλλου, ψυχικά και σωματικά. Καθώς παραδίνεται στον έρωτα, παραιτείται από την αυτονομία του και βιώνει το φόβο της απώλειας.  "Το να πιστεύουμε ότι μπορούμε και πρέπει να κρύβουμε τα κομμάτια μας που είναι σπασμένα από φόβο ότι οι άλλοι δεν μπορούν να αγαπήσουν τα μέρη που δεν αγαπάμε στον εαυτό μας, είναι σαν να πιστεύουμε ότι οι ακτίνες του Ήλιου δεν μπορούν  να περάσουν μέσα από ένα σπασμένο παράθυρο και να ζεστάνουν ένα άδειο δωμάτιο." Σύμφωνα με τη συγγραφέα Sandra Kring, , όσο το άτομο αποφεύγει τον έρωτα κουκουλώνοντας τους ενδόμυχους φόβους του. Τόσο υποφέρει. Αυτός ο πόνος μ...


The entire Universe was once unified beyond comprehension, compacted into a dot infinitesimally smaller than the period at the end of this sentence. It then exploded, yet it did not truly separate but merely became larger. We can appear to have come apart, but we have all simply become a part. Our intrinsic Unity is experienced once again when we re-member. Neale Donald Walsch

Ironically tragic


Thats the Solution People


Καλημέρα Όλη Μέρα

And still you are perfect