This morning, I find myself contemplating some really big concepts and trying to wrestle and wrangle how things are supposed to fit together properly… It only makes sense that our supreme form beyond the physical is both a combination of Male and Female energy, in complete union with each other, able to ebb and flow freely with each other in a dance of cosmic light. And while this concept may seem airy fairy, let me bring it down to the earth and make it physical. I see relationships failing everywhere I look. It has got to the point where I am truly coming to recognition with the state of the world, there are not many lasting relationship that happen beyond the borders of “Partner and Lover”, that realm of intimacy where two souls collide and become one. Typically, the most stable relationships that are formed are in the realms of the casual: ”Brother, Sister, Mother, Father, Daughter and Son”. When I say those, I mean them more as descriptions of the ene...