Twin Flame Challenge: Change Your Energy to Fuel Your Union By Jill Miller and Remi Thivierge We were recently at an Energy Psychology workshop with a focus on the energies of love…fascinating. The presenters (Donna Eden and David Feinstein) did an exercise that was quite impactful. They invited a couple onstage, muscle tested them and did tapping (EFT) until they both tested strong energetically. They then asked the man to think of a complaint he had about his partner. He didn’t speak, he didn’t touch her, just thought of his complaint. After a few seconds of this, they muscle tested his partner (the energetic recipient of his complaint), and she immediately tested weak energetically. This is energetic truth in action, and we experience this all the time. When Remi is upset with me, thinking negatively, I FEEL it (and of course, the same is true for him). Every time. No matter if we are in the...