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Showing posts from May 10, 2016

wow beautiful!

Archangel Chamuel

Archangel Chamuel His name means ‘He who sees God’. He works on the the third ray (pink) of unconditional love. He works with the heart chakra and the pink ray of unconditional love and compassion. He can be invoked to help in situations where forgiveness is required, helping to remove angel, hatred and resentment from our hearts, replacing it with love, harmony and compassion. He helps to open the heart on an individual level and also on a cosmic level. He works on the heart chakra. When in Prayer or meditation ask for his assistance and help.  ‪#‎AngelicHealingByDanicaLightworker‬

Beauty Rising

May Light


Breath . Trust . Love 


Love is Beauty

15 heart-warming photographs  that  prove love is all around us It’s not only human beings which feel love — despite what we sometimes think, many animals know what this wonderful feeling is as well. Just take a look at these 15 photographs if you have any doubts. From birds to mammals to insects, this inexplicable but life-affirming force envelops the world every second of every day — and that’s something to rejoice in. 500px They love each other to distraction. 500px I’m never bored when I’m with you. boredpanda Love reaches across all boundaries and obstacles. catersnews The world can wait. We’re together. 500px Darling, I Love you!  500px The best way to start the morning. piotrgatlik I’ll never let you go... flickr I feel you  500px Paris — the city of love. 500px Lick...

Our Purpose

You and Me Working together Loving Each other We Have A Mission and We Can Do It! One Love My Love 


Harmony and Love in our minds and Hearts

When a chilling spot seems magical

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