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Showing posts from November 11, 2015


Animals always have a way to put a smile on our faces! :) Lets Play!


True faith comes from knowing that no matter what things look like,  all is well and will turn out for the best. source:  Spiritual Awakenings ॐ




We Are Blessed

New Moon Tonight

Everything is working out

Sometimes We Can't control everything. So we better relax. Surrender to the divine and trust. That everything is working for the higher Good. Amen

The Meaning of 11, 111, and 1111 by Doreen Virtue

If you continually see the numbers 11, 111, or 1111, there's a reason. The most common way that angels communicate with humans is through the universal languages of numbers and music.  The ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras was the first to establish that numbers hold vibrational properties.  He taught that the entire universe is mathematically precise. When you see repetitive number sequences, this is a message from your guardian angels. You can ask your angels what they are trying to tell you, and if you listen in stillness, you will hear their answers clearly. Sometimes, though, if you're stressed or in a hurry, it's not as easy to hear your angels. So, Angel Numbers are a shorthand code between you and your angels. In the case of 1's, they represent the post of an energy gateway. The more 1s you see, the stronger the path is. In practical terms, this means that your thoughts are going through a cycle where they are manifesting insta...

Every Day and Every Night

P.Sun: I Love you Everyday and Every Night!

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