PEOPLE WHO ARE AFRAID ARE THE PEOPLE WHO ARE CAPABLE OF TREMENDOUS LOVE. Fear is a negative aspect of Love. If Love is not allowed to flow, it becomes fear. If Love is allowed to flow, fear disappears. That's why only in moments of Love there is no fear. If you Love a person suddenly fears disappears. Lovers are the only people who are fearless, even death creates no problem. Only lovers can die in tremendous silence and fearleness. But it always happens that the more you Love, the more you feel Fear. That's why women feel more fear than men, because they have more potentiality for love. In this world there are very few possibilities to actualize your Love, so it remains hanging around you. And if any potentiality remains hanging, it turns to its opposite. It can become jelousy, that too is part of fear. It can become possessiveness, that too is part of fear. It can become even hatred, that too is part of fear. So be more and more loving. Loving uncoditiona...