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Showing posts from March 23, 2016


MARCH FULL MOON ECLIPSE ASTROLOGY AND TAROT READING Wow! It’s the first ever DAILY DIVINATION on a FULL MOON!!!! How exciting! So lets do the full day shall we? Moon Reading & Astrology, Tarot Card, and Meditation! Let’s begin, whee!  FULL MOON IN LIBRA, SUN IN ARIES The Full Moon tonight is illuminating Libra! Libra of course, is balance. The light which illuminates the moon, aka: The Sun, stands in the house of Aries, the first sign of the Zodiac, the element of Fire, and the Leaders of the Pack. The ones who get stuff started. Together, this energy combined with the Eclipse actually puts a huge focus on our relationships. Relationships with each other, with ourselves, and the entire world around us. At the highest fractal, this is about the leaders within us finding balance in our lives, and culminating the vows, promises, and plans which were established at the last new moon, and who we are doing it with. In a more grounded sense, this is a great day ...

waves of Love


Κάποτε ήταν μια γυναίκα που ήρθε και μου είπε, "Έχω έναν σύζυγο που πίνει πάρα πολύ και καπνίζει πούρα. Με αρρωσταίνει όλο αυτό. Δεν ξέρω τι να κάνω." Είπα, "Τι αποφάσισες να κάνεις;" "Λοιπόν, ξέρετε τι θέλω να κάνω." Είπα, "Τι αποφάσισες να κάνεις;" "Λοιπόν, ξέρετε τι αποφάσισα - να πάρω διαζύγιο". "Λοιπόν," είπα, "αυτό είναι φυγή" "Υπάρχει άλλος τρόπος;" "Ναι", είπα, "Προσευχήσου." Άρχισε να γελά, σαν να είχα πει το πιο κωμικό πράγμα. Είπα, "Δεν πιστεύεις στην προσευχή;" Εί πε, "Προσευχή, είστε τρελός; Τι θα κάνει η προσευχή για τον μεθυσμένο άντρα μου;" "Λοιπόν", ήρθες σε μένα για να ζητήσεις μια απάντηση, για συμβουλή. Αυτή είναι η συμβουλή μου. Προσευχήσου." Για μία εβδομάδα προσευχήθηκε, και μου τηλεφώνησε και είπε, "Δεν λειτουργεί". "Ναι", είπα, "γιατί δεν προσεύχεσαι σωστά." Μια εβδομάδα αργότερα, μου τηλεφών...

A beautiful Stone!

Ocean Jasper stone EWAO.COM

Our Guardian Angels Are With Us

Forgive me in times I didn't listen Thank you for being here  Thank you for the Love

Sun Reflection :)

Sunlight Reflection at Mdryburgh Abbey, Scotland.

Signs Are Everywhere My Love!


What if?

WHAT IF THE WHOLE WORLD WENT VEGAN? If every person on Earth adopted a vegan diet – without milk, meat, honey, or any other animal-sourced foods – the greenhouse gas emissions associated with the food system in 2050 would fall by more than half compared to 2005/2007 levels. That’s one of several striking findings from an analysis of food and climate published yesterday in the   Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences . The food we eat is responsible for over one-quarter of global greenhouse gas emissions. Of those, 80 percent are linked to livestock production. Eating too much red meat and not enough fruits and vegetables are also linked to health problems such as cardiovascular disease and cancer. Previous research has suggested that healthy diets could have environmental benefits and has explored  ways to encourage such dietary shifts . But the new study is the first to quantify the health, environmental, and economic benefits of dietary changes all at the...

Now its the time

The Lovers

Peace and Love

Love is our riches

That someone is you and me

May We be in Peace and Love

Spirituality vs Religion

Καλημέρα Όλη Μέρα

Releasing all negative . Embracing all the Possitive

~ FULL MOON PORTAL OF LIGHT ~ You are now entering through the Portal of Galactic Activation As you step into the Full Moon Portal, all lower vibrational energies from your energy field will be released. Release all energies and emotions that do not belong to you. Release everything that you no longer need in your life on all levels. Release it all dear ones. Divine alchemy occurred new Light Codes are activated IT IS DONE May the light of the thousand suns within you shine brightly and illuminate your whole being and all that you meet.. ~ Keeper of the Diamond Light Codes Join here ▲  Keeper of The Diamond Light Codes Art By : Keeper of the Diamond Light Codes

Full Moon

Note to self