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Showing posts from September 24, 2015


The truth about eggs

Update for Twin Flames – The Blood Moon Eclipse into 2016

Dear everyone, Thank you for being here and for reading these words. We have been wanting to give you this message for some time. Many of you are becoming more and more attuned to insights from higher realms but you are still questioning your intuition. You have more wisdom inside than you realize. Trust yourself. The best way to get through to your intuition and reach the higher realms, to rise above the pressures and stresses of human life is to relax your minds. It will be an important task for you all in coming years (lightworkers and Twin Flames), to re-teach yourself to think in a way that serves you rather than hinders you. Overcoming the Mind The human mind has over millennia with a focus on survival lead to challenges in the reaching of spiritual wisdom and unity. The way your minds operate make it challenging to reach inner peace and reach the vibrations of love that are so crucial to Twin Flame Union. Because the mind and energy has been entrenched in...




έτσι :)

Mr Freeman

Balancing Twin Flames

How To Balance Your Twin Flame   The concept of twin flames/souls has gained so much momentum in the past few years which has led to a whole new “micro industry” in the spiritual community.  There is an endless amount of information that portrays this Divine Union as the most wonderful romantic relationship the Universe can bestow on us as human beings.  The purpose of this article is to add some clarity to the reality of this very unique and Divine journey. Most Twins that are incarnated on this planet are not aware of their importance to humanity, they are very much asleep and living traditional 3D lives.  Then, something happens in their lives that triggers a series of events that cause them to examine what is happening and why.  Without suitably knowledgeable counselors, physicians, psychologists or other usual professionals, those experiencing signs or symptoms of a Divine Union have no idea where to turn.  They use the various s...

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