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Showing posts from October 12, 2015

Great Gorillaz

Vegan Actually :)


Angel Numbers 777 Angel numbers 777 is a positive sign that you are on the right track. Continue your perseverance and determination as more miracles will come unfolding in front of you. Based on the angel reading, the number 7 is a mystical number representing wisdom. It has been used as a magical number in the Bible. It represents your inner desire to find purpose and meaning to your life. When you see it in different places repeatedly, it indicates good news. The angels are applauding your efforts because you are following the right path. They will help you maintain your momentum and enthusiasm to bring out more positive outcomes. Because of the great sign of the angel numbers 777 , you will realize that this is also the right time to improve your inner self. Cultivate your strength and master your ambitions. They will be your weapon in facing the obstacles in your life. Your persistence and determination will pay off. You are even inspiring other people to exer...


Θάρρος δε σημαίνει απουσία φόβων,  σημαίνει να μην τους επιτρέπουμε να μας παραλύουν. Άρθρα - Χαγκαούρε και ο δρόμος των Σαμουράι


 Τρελλή σκήνη του θρυλικού Mr.Bean. Χαχαχα Στη σκηνή αυτή της ταινίας Mr.Bean the movie ήταν απο την επίσκεψη του στην Αμερική και όταν χαιρέτισε καποιον αυτός του ανταπέδωσε τον χαιρετισμό με την χειρονομία που βλέπετε. Και ο Mr. Bean πίστεψε ότι αυτή η χειρονομία σημαίνει Γειααά και μετά τους χαιρετούσε όλους έτσι.. χαχαχα


γατίσιες καταστάσεις. χεχ






Does it come from an Animal?

Καλημέρα Όλη Μέρα