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Showing posts from April 12, 2016

We Are Vegan We Are Peace

Below there is a list of some known people who chose or choosing to be Vegetarian/Vegan Vegetarian and Vegan

Our Mission


A feeling person

We Are Light and Love and Our World is becoming a better World 



7 Archangels

Seven Archangels Many of the free angel messages and angel courses on this site, are channeled with Archangels. Archangels are powerful inter-dimensional beings who work hand in hand with the Divine to assist humanity and Earth in many ways. The Archangels broadcast the Divine Will and they work with the Angels and Earth Angels to shift the vibration of the planet from that of fear, boredom and despair, to new higher vibrations of unconditional love, peace on Earth, and truly vibrant living. Together Archangels form a cohesive unit, one powerful force for Divine Love, and yet they are able to manifest individually, to multiple people at once, or even blend their vibrations. Archangel Michael, Archangel Raphael, and Archangel Uriel for example, may blend together for a specific focused purpose, while simultaneously offering healing, or guidance individually to multiple people at once, all the while broadcasting Divine Love or Protection in another group of Archangels who have ma...

Light Energy All Around Us. Conscious Union

Big shifts/changes/timeline jumps, mean big things for all. What we do/don't do and the energy and light that we hold. Becoming fully conscious pushes our limits, pushes us out of those safe/comfort zones. It's supposed to... this is the point.  Here we don't get safe, we don't get to be small, we don't get to continue to listen to the old unconscious made-up stories and "little human" mentalitie s of fear, lack, judgment anymore. These higher frequency bandwidths and continual light activations require that you stand in your power as pure divinity and love again. These DO activate everything that is not okay, where you do not love and accept yourself, where you compromise to your own little human self.... Not one of this is about "out there". "Out there" is so that you can see. It's to show you what is possible, then show you where you are still limited and holding onto an old unconscious program and belief. The energy is store...

Our DNA. wow

                  This is a cross cut section of DNA. Its the flower of life and it holds the golden ratio.

A Baby Tree Flower :D

Flower Name: Adenium obesum

In Good Energy

Η αγάπη

Η αγάπη είναι μονάχα μια λέξη, μέχρι να έρθει κάποιος και να της δώσει νόημα.  < από το χειρόγραφο της Άκρα, Paulo Coelho > Π.Sun: Το Facebook σήμερα μου υπενθύμισε τι είχα γράψει για status το 2014 την ίδια μέρα σαν σήμερα, -την παραπάνω φράση του Παολο Κοέλο-,  τότε είχα γνωρίσει και τον αγαπημένο μου, και κατάλαβα..  Never Give Up in Love no matter how things look like. Always Rising. 

Καλημέρα Όλη Μέρα


In The Still Of The Night