This card comes up whenever you are being critical or perfectionistic with yourself. It's a reminder from your guardian angels that you are making progress. Focus upon the progress, instead of holding yourself to an impossibly high standard of perfection. God made you spiritually perfect, and in your life you are doing the very best that you can with what you have available. We all make mistakes, and hopefully we learn and grow from those mistakes, instead of harboring toxic guilt. Sometimes our dreams seem to take longer to manifest than we'd like. It can be tempting to compare yourself to others, and think that it's your fault if you aren't doing as much as someone else. Dear One, please do not compare yourself to anyone else. You are a unique snowflake, sent by God for a unique purpose. You aren't supposed to be like everyone else. You are doing so well and making such great progress. And you will do even better by loving yourself, instead of by criticizing ...