Kundalini Awakening Symptoms Many kundalini awakening symptoms result from changes to the nervous system. It is easy to confuse symptoms from a neurological or biological condition as being due to kundalini awakening. In either case, symptoms are a sign of healing and of your body trying to maintain homeostasis or to increase your energy. Kundalini symptoms happen all along the awakening process , before pre-awakening, at spiritual awakening and afterward leading to full-blown kundalini transformation. Symptoms are produced as signs of physical changes manifesting in the body after each event of quiet mind happens, no matter how long that interval was. Because self-realization is gradual and biological, our ability to sustain quiet mind grows over time. The longer you can sustain quiet mind, the stronger the kundalini transformation symptoms become. Kundalini awakening symptoms noticeably, get closer together over time if you are progressing in your spiritual transformation. After ...