Yin and Yang is the dualistic representation of black and white, dark and light, male and female, spirit and ego. For every force, there will always be a counter balance. Every incarnate soul counter balanced by the ego. The Greek poet Hesiod presents Harmonia as the daughter of Aphrodite (the Roman equivalent of the goddess - Venus), Goddess of Love, and Ares (Roman equivalent of the god - Mars), the God of War. Thus Harmonia represents the happy union of opposite polarities and, as such, she presides over peace and war. Later Greek writers portrayed Harmonia as the Goddess presiding over Cosmic Harmony, the orderly unfolding of the universe. In many cultures, gods are male dominated while some other spiritual traditions have a balance between the male and female energies. Overly 'manly macho-ism' misses the point of true spiritual power w...