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Showing posts from June 12, 2017

Eventually celebration is our healing

There's nothing to heal. Healing implies there's something wrong with something, or miss alignment. The thing is, Source is LOVE. LOVE is all experiences. All emotions. All thoughts. All included. It is only the Self that judges Source, and in Truth, there is no Self, only Source. As the Self, or the sense of Individualization is integrated into the Source, celebration, the highest form of LOVE in action, because celebration includes unity, compassion, joy, play, embrace, and acceptance, is embodied. The Game of LOVE has no judgment. Again, it is only the Self that judges any experience. What You resist persists. Celebration fully embraces any and all experiences. The way to "heal", is to celebrate, because celebration honors all experiences, wholly, truly, and compassionately. You don't have to like Life. Actually You can hate it! But if You're open to watching it, because You are the Meaning of Life, You are the One observing Life. You are the Seer ...

A little Universe


From the soul’s point of view, you come to appreciate that each one of us is living out his or her own karma. We interact together, and those interactions are the grist for each other’s mill of awakening. From a personality point of view, you develop judgment, but from the soul’s point of view, you develop appreciation. This shift from judging to appreciating — to appreciating yourself and what yo ur karmic predicament is, and who other beings are with their own karma — brings everything into a simple loving awareness. To be free means to open your heart and your being to the fullness of who you are, because only when you are resting in the place of unity can you truly honor and appreciate others and the incredible diversity of the universe. In the yoga of relationship, two people come together to find that shared love but continue to dance as two. In that union, both people are separate and yet not separate. Their relationship feeds both their unique individuality and their unity o...

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