Sacred Geometry & Twin Flame Sacred Sexuality The Vesica Piscis represents divine union. Its two identical, interlocking circles signify two polarities, the magnetic and electric, coming together to form a trinity. This sacred geometrical pattern occurs when a planet is being born, and when the first 2 cells of a human being divide in the womb. When we are in our true essence, in union with ourselves, we become pure channels for the actualization of this energetic union. Within the sacred Twin Flame Reunion, we expand to become two beings conjoined as One, vibrating in harmony. Breathing in sync, heartbeats in rhythm, we create a third field of energy, the Trinity of the Vesica Piscis. Our frequencies merge and all aspects of separation are lost. We share in this unified field together — two empty vessels — and allow the subtle energy of union to surround, engulf, and flow through us. We watch it unfold, its uniqueness the flowering of an alchemy between two people withou...