~ Medicine Wheel ~ The Key * The Gift * The Power * The Wisdom * The Healing Medicine Woman stands at the four directions. East with Eagle, South with Coyote, West with Bear and North with White Buffalo. Native American lore teaches that Eagle is Great Spirit, Coyote the Great Trickster, Bear is Introspection and Buffalo is Prayer. Hand prints covered with paw and talon prints symbolize unity – together we are one. We are all brothers and sisters under Grandmother Moon in her four phases. In the East is a Golden Door; a Talking Stick to the South; Drum to the West and Sacred Pipe to the North. All are encircled by the good red road and encompassed by the blue road. Arrows lead out to golden bows from the campfire eternally burning from the center. There is so much symbology and power in this wheel. If you have drawn this card in response to a query, you are being reminded that we are all connected. Open the door and invite in help – you have the key. Commu...