Crystal Divination: What Does 2016 Hold in Store for You? What wonderful things are you going to create in 2016? Does this year hold an energetic pattern or trend that will guide your experiences? After consulting my crystal ball, I was guided to create this fun crystal divination game. It gives you an energetic forecast of the new year and insight into the inner workings of your soul. Here’s how to play: Call in your higher self and move your consciousness into your heart. Take a few deep breaths, and then look a the photo below. Which crystal are you most instinctively drawn to? Try not to analyze or think about it too much. Instead, allow in your higher guidance. Tune into your intuition, and feel out which one is calling to you the most. Once you have your number, look below the photo to access your mini crystal reading for 2016. (Having a hard time choosing just one? Try to narrow it down if you can. But go ahead and read the messages of any others you like...