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Showing posts from February 19, 2016

Souls on Fire


Hope Faith Love

Eternal Bliss

in the forest

From the leaf

Amazing Photo from kobi refaeli


WaterFalls and Beauty

Lake Havasu falls in Arizona USA


The feeling

You and me γλ

wow Beautiful Light Sculpures

These Art installations called HYBYCOZO is a series of "laser cut" sculptures, by artists:  Yelena Filipchuk and Serge Beaulieu. On their Website , you can view more of their work as well as the philosophy and story behind these beautiful pieces. They say:  The project is inspired by the intersection of science, technology, maker culture, and of course, the artists’ favorite book, Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. HYBYCOZO was created to take a passion for design, technology, geometry, and installation art to the next level through thought provoking objects.  

Hexagonal energy

Hexagonal energy for a 3 vibe day, the 6 is the double 3 through the Triangle reflected, Star of David, reflecting to infinity! Rosalind Pape "Geometry is knowledge of the eternally existent." ~ Pythagoras

Wonderland times


THE GEOMETRY OF LIGHT: In sacred geometry, the number 1 is represented by a circle, and 11 can be represented by two circles joined together, and this form is known by geometers/alchemists as the Vesica Piscis. The Vesica Piscis is the form created when two circles connect and yet divide each other through their centres: It is the image of the Vesica Piscis that destroys the myth that polarities are separate from each other. it reflects the unifying principle, that when two polar aspects are first identified, divided and then reunited, an awareness that life is greater than the sum of its’ parts is reached. This imagery reflects the secret to consciousness expansion that the 11 contains, that although we are living with a very polarised world view, male/female, black/white, good/evil, the key to overcome the limitations of this perspective is to marry, or join the polar aspects. And when we do this we birth the number 3, the space that joins the two, defining them...

Yes To Love

💜 💖 Yes to Love! 💙 💗 👑 Yes to Abundance in all ways! 💖 Yes to Pristine Health! ☀ 💛 🌟 Yes to Romance! 🌹 🌹 Yes to Happily Ever After! 🎩 👑 Yes To Peace, J ☀ Y, Harmony & Bliss! Yes to Fun & Laughter!   Yes to Miracles!  🌈 Yes to Magic! 🌟   Yes to faerie Blessed Changes! 💝 Yes to US! We Thank You, Ganesh for clearing our way and for making room for the abundance of miracles here for Us Today! So It Is! Thank You! Amen!


❤Μια απ΄τις προηγούμενες μέρες όταν πάλι βγήκα στο πάρκο, πήγα και κάθισα σε μια όμορφη τοποθεσία, να αγγίξω λίγο το χώμα και τα δέντρα. Και τι βλέπω να ξεπροβάλλει? Μια πανέμορφη γατούλλα που ήθελε αγαπούλες :) Άνετη ήρθε κάθησε πάνω μου και μετά ξάπλωσε δίπλα μου πάνω στο μπουφάν και τα είπαμε εκεί για λίγο. 😻 Τα ζωάκια μας είναι πανέμορφα όντα, και η αγάπη που εκπέμπουν προς τα εμάς είναι ότι πιο αγνό μπορούμε να βιώσουμε. ❤One of the past days when I went to the park to sit for a while in nature, what comes out of the Bushes? This beautiful little cat. :) She came and sat on me and then she lay down next to me and we had our chat. 😻 Our Animals are beautiful beings. And the Love they give out to us its the purest thing we can experience.

Καλημέρα Όλη Μέρα

Αυτή η φωτογραφία με την Γατούλλα βγήκε απο μένα σε μια βόλτα που εκανα στο πάρκο την προηγούμενη βδομάδα. Σαν περπατάω τι βλέπω? Αυτήν την ομορφιά. :D I took this photo while I was walking at the park. And suddenly what do I see? This Beauty :D