THE GEOMETRY OF LIGHT: In sacred geometry, the number 1 is represented by a circle, and 11 can be represented by two circles joined together, and this form is known by geometers/alchemists as the Vesica Piscis. The Vesica Piscis is the form created when two circles connect and yet divide each other through their centres: It is the image of the Vesica Piscis that destroys the myth that polarities are separate from each other. it reflects the unifying principle, that when two polar aspects are first identified, divided and then reunited, an awareness that life is greater than the sum of its’ parts is reached. This imagery reflects the secret to consciousness expansion that the 11 contains, that although we are living with a very polarised world view, male/female, black/white, good/evil, the key to overcome the limitations of this perspective is to marry, or join the polar aspects. And when we do this we birth the number 3, the space that joins the two, defining them...