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Showing posts from May 17, 2016

Embracing Love

Feelings as Commands of Manifestation ~ Birthing a New Reality As your acceleration in frequency as a Being of Light continues to expand in your awareness of it, continue to breathe deeply, into your Heart. There is no need to look further than your own breath, to feel more alive. To feel more joy. More in Love and more in Peace. It has always resided within you. You are in the process of the accelerated awareness of this. This is your Destiny. Turn your focus in, to the feelings within you. Loving those feelings. Even if those feelings are uncomfortable. Love yourself. Care for yourself. Be gentle with yourself. Never judge yourself. This is the entry place, where beautiful dreams are made real. And manifest for you, through this Being the Being of Light, filled with Love, that you eternally are. Love does not occur outside of you. Love takes place within you. To receive takes place within you. When you vibrate with love, joy and peace, all matte...

Benefits of a nice and easy exercise


We Are Magic and Beautiful

Breathing and Trusting in Divine Will

All We Need 💕

Crystals and the chakras healing benefits

Όταν τα γουρουνάκια είναι αξιολάτρευτα

Healthy Blood . Vegan Blood :)

Scientists find blood from vegans is eight times more protective  against cancer Scientists have found that blood taken from vegans is 8 times more effective at killing cancer cells than blood taken from those following a Standard American Diet. In a series of experiments people were placed on different diets and their blood was then dripped on cancer cells in a petri dish to see which diet resulted in blood that was more effective at suppressing cancer growth. Even the blood of those on a Standard American Diet (S.A.D.) fights cancer, but the blood circulating within the bodies of vegans was shown to have nearly 8 times the stopping power when it comes to cancer cell growth. That was after maintaining a plant-based diet for a year. [1] Subsequent studies against breast cancer showed the power of eating plants for just two weeks. [2] . A dramatic strengthening of cancer defences was after shown 14 days of a plant-based diet and light exercise (walking between ...

When A Hen Hugs A Boy ❤

One By One Creating A Better Peacefull Vegan World 😍

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