~ Portal of Diamond Light Codes ~ You are now entering through the Portal of Galactic Activation Portal of miracles and infinite possibilities. And so it is ! May the Highest Light that YOU are within the Cosmic Heart of All Creation flow from YOU now and forever Merge with the White Diamond Flame and see millions of particles in the form of sparkling diamond crystal pyramids of light , activating your key codes of light Divine alchemy occurred new Light Codes are activated IT IS DONE We are multidimensional beings, each of which shines our unique facets. Think Light, be Light, absorb Light and you will connect with the Light that you are. Do this consciously, take time and become aware of what you are doing, meditate on it many times during each day. See Light radiating out from you, see your whole body lose its dense form and become transparent and filled with Light, feel yourself able to walk on air in a weightless state. Do all this consciously, dwell on i...