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Showing posts from July 29, 2015

A chance

Deep Blue Sea Magic

Stunning images of deep sea creatures off the coast of Puerto ... Scientists just captured stunning images of deep sea creatures off the coast of Puerto Rico—some are so new to us, they don’t even have names. Posted by Quartz on Thursday, 7 May 2015

Something Great

Great Mind / Aristotle

Species Unite

See what happens when you press your fingers

Many people, ancient and living today, believed that most of the body’s ills comes from disharmony inside of the body. That disharmony can be achieved through bad diet, bad habits, and poor thoughts. Jin Shin Jyutsu , which is an ancient art of mending from Japan, uses certain pressure points to create harmony again in your body. Using the image above, you can find the right fingers to put pressure on to help relieve certain symptoms in your body. If you put pressure on the thumb You bring harmony to your stomach and spleen. You can also relieve nervousness, anxiety and depression. You can also relieve skin problems, headaches, stomach aches, and the sensation of constantly being ill. If you put pressure on the index or pointer finger You bring harmony to your kidneys and bladder. You can also relieve feelings of apprehension, as well as muscle cramps, back pain, tooth aches and digestive tract problems. If you put pressure on the middle finger You bring harm...

We Are All One

We are A "Peace" of The Universe


P.Sun: A Business card I have created for a photographer. This is the sample design.

Peace and Love World

Mexican Government Asked Street Artists To Paint 200 Houses To Unite Community

A youth organization that’s been known to use graffiti as a means of expression has teamed up with the government of Mexico to rehabilitate Palmitas, a town in the Pachuca district. Under the moniker “Germen Crew,” the group painted 209 houses, or twenty-thousand square meters of facade, into a single rainbow mural. According to streetartnews, the impact has been extremely positive: 452 families, or 1808 people, were affected by this project, resulting in violence amongst youths being entirely eradicated. The group, whose name literally means “germ crew,” have made community involvement a priority, which could partially explain the good results. More info: | Facebook  | Instagram  | Twitter  (h/t: streetartnews , demilked ) P.Sun: Αυτά είναι :) 

Καρνισμός ~ Dr. Melanie Joy.

Καρνισμός ~ Dr. Melanie Joy. "Όταν τρώμε κρέας πρέπει να αποσυνδεθούμε ψυχολογικά και συναισθηματικά από την αλήθεια της εμπειρίας μας. Πρέπει να αναισθητοποιήσουμε τους εαυτούς μας από την πραγματικότητα ότι τρώμε ένα νεκρό ζώο. Ο Καρνισμός μπλοκάρει την ευαισθητοποίησή μας και αναστέλλει τη συμπάθειά μας προς τα ζώα που τρώμε. Και η ευαισθητοποίηση και η επίγνωση είναι απαραίτητα για την αίσθηση του εαυτού μας. Έτσι το φάγωμα του κρέατος απαιτεί από εμάς να έχουμε τη λιγότερη επίγνωση και όχι την πλήρη επίγνωση. Απαιτεί από εμάς να είμαστε απαθείς αντί για συμπονετικοί."~ Η Dr. Melanie Joy είναι απόφοιτη ψυχολόγος του Πανεπιστημίου Χάρβαρντ στις Η.Π.Α, καθηγήτρια ψυχολογίας και κοινωνιολογίας στο Πανεπιστήμιο της Μασαχουσέτης στη Βοστώνη, διεθνούς φήμης ομιλήτρια και συγγραφέας του βραβευμένου βιβλίου "Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, and Wear Cows" Πηγή βίντεο: Posted by Vegan for life on Monday, 20 October 2014 ...



Soul Knows

A tip where ever you are

Invisible thread

A year without Beef saves 3,432 Trees!

Happy children, happy Adults, happy world

Teach your children that they need nothing exterior to themselves to be happy - no person, place, or thing - and that true happiness is found within. Teach them that they are sufficient unto themselves. " Neale Donald Walsch"

We are following the Sun

Καλημέρα όλη μέρα
