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Showing posts from July 30, 2015

Weapons of mass distruction are our Knives and Forks . Great Speech by Philip Wallen

Do you want peace in the world??? In Sanskrit (an ancient language of India) vegetarianism is known as Shakahara and is closely connected to the idea of non-harming or Ahimsa. For India's sages, mystics, Yoginis and many house-holders, all living beings are seen as the expression of the Divine cosmic continuum (life); and non-harming forms the principal basis of not eating meat. The English meaning for vegetarianism does not quite describe the essence of why people like myself do not consume meat. It is more than following a particular diet; it embodies a philosophy which is primarily based on respect for and the equality of all life and to advance the sense of oneness with creation, otherwise known as Mother Nature, or Mother Earth, or Prthvi Mata in Sanskrit. It is a well know fact that world hunger, the meat industry and the emission of green-house gases are linked; this is another reason why many people opt for a meat free diet as it forms the principal tenet ...

First light

A beautiful photo of first light at Glacier National Park in Montana. Of the image, photographer Kevin LeFevre says: "While shooting the sunrise at Bowman Lake, we were graced with this meandering doe. I scrambled to change my camera settings to accommodate the movement and pulled off this solitary photo. A once in a lifetime." While parts of Glacier are closed because of #ReynoldsCreekFire , most of the park remains open, including Bowman Lake area. Photo courtesy of Kevin LeFevre. — at Glacier National Park .

Twin Souls / Message from Archangel Michael

Twin Flame Rejection – Experiencing Distance and Pain with Your Twin Flame Hello, this is the Archangel Michael. I am stepping forward as a representative of your own heart and the team of light beings who work with you and your beloved. Yes, my dear, the man you think of is your twin flame, as you know without needing me to say. You ask about the difficulties. I want you to know that because of the nature of your connection, many energies are activated within you when you interact with him. Please know, that you requested to work through many heavy energies through knowing this person. As you focus on clearing those energies which are within you, the obstacles in your path will clear as well. This will also happen as he clears the energies within himself. This is a beautiful opportunity for you two to heal yourselves. When you finally come together, it will be a beautiful moment. Much healing energy will flow from the moment you come together, physically, and fl...

Same sea

The Full Moon In Aquarius (Blue Moon) Transmission – July 31

Between all the gateways and super intense Light waves, there’s also a blue moon coming up on the 31th of July that will be one of the most powerful we’ve had in a good while and also the second one of this month. This full moon is in Aquarius happens approximatively 2.7 years and the next blue moon will be in 2018. Its energies can already be felt and they are a bit like a breath of fresh air and at the same time extremely intense. I will explain why. This blue moon will facilitate the surfacing and releasing of lower vibrational energy that was deeply stored in your field and cellular memory throughout time. This is the intense part, especially now that so many planets are in retrograde, which is helping us look in the deepest darkest corners of ourselves, fears and aspects of our lives in order to transcend them. This is a great gift, eventhough it doesn’t look like it at times. But it is necessary to release that which no longer serves...

next level


Diet Nutrition

"The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition." ~Thomas Edison ‪#‎ WednesdayWellness‬ challenge: Do you think Edison's future is near at hand? Help realize a world where doctors are no longer engaged to patch up the sick, but to prevent sickness before it happens - begin to treat your food as medicine today! Source:

Mom Goes To Check On Her Baby And Finds Rescued Dog Napping With Her

When Kristin Leigh Rhynehart, a mom in North Carolina, went for a routine check-up on her sleeping baby daughter Addison, she discovered that there was a gentle guardian already looking out for her. In a touching video posted on Youtube, she shows how she found her rescue dog Raven napping in the crib under the covers with her little girl. “People that say ‘money can’t buy happiness’ have never paid an adoption fee,” Kristin wrote on Youtube. “10 years ago I left a rescue with this little guy and I often wonder…who rescued who? I gave him a home, but he gave me so, so much more.” Source:

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