Do you want peace in the world??? In Sanskrit (an ancient language of India) vegetarianism is known as Shakahara and is closely connected to the idea of non-harming or Ahimsa. For India's sages, mystics, Yoginis and many house-holders, all living beings are seen as the expression of the Divine cosmic continuum (life); and non-harming forms the principal basis of not eating meat. The English meaning for vegetarianism does not quite describe the essence of why people like myself do not consume meat. It is more than following a particular diet; it embodies a philosophy which is primarily based on respect for and the equality of all life and to advance the sense of oneness with creation, otherwise known as Mother Nature, or Mother Earth, or Prthvi Mata in Sanskrit. It is a well know fact that world hunger, the meat industry and the emission of green-house gases are linked; this is another reason why many people opt for a meat free diet as it forms the principal tenet ...