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Showing posts from August 25, 2018

Full Moon in Pisces and Sun in Virgo

Full Moon in Pisces and Sun in Virgo 💗 26 August 2018 = 8/8/11 Sun in degrees in Virgo and Full Moon in 3 degrees in Pisces and they are going to be exact opposite. 8/8/Portal Gate Opening from Great Central Sun shall see a fresh wave of energy coming in. This is going to be incredibly powerful. Increase Psychic abilities and intuition unfolding that day as it is a day of Transcendence.   This is known as Royal Full Moon and much reflection will be on the Timeline of Yeshua as for those of you working with this timeline you would have felt recent activation and shifts unfolding. Since Pisces is the final water sign it takes us into the darkest depths of our soul – the murkiest waters where our deepest unresolved pain lies…and like the Frog Prince who goes to the bottom of the pond to retrieve the golden sphere of light and break the enchantment that he is unlovable or the Fisher King who spends his time reflecting on the water and fishing to distill his wisdom, we must each a...

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