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Showing posts from January 29, 2016

Uncoditional Love

We are always protected , saved, and Loved

Never worry, never fear; God and Archangel Michael are always here. When you feel vulnerable, God sends Archangel Michael to your side to protect and guide you. Michael's name means, "He who is like God," and Michael is omnipresent. He can be with everyone simultaneously. Like God, Michael is egoless and tireless. So, never worry about anything (and especially never worry that you're "bothering" God or Archangel Michael with your prayers, as they are unlimited). Have faith, pray often, and follow your divine guidance. You are watched over, protected, safe, and loved.  By Doreen Virtue  Spiritual Angelic Healer 

moonlight reflection

soil not oil

Answers to the Question why Twin Flames experience seperation?

  P.Sun: Answers Cassady Cane can give by channeling with her spirit guides and with her own experience lessons. This in general can show us an inside of the reasons you and your loved one are not together yet in bliss. A lesson of how sometimes energy works. I am starting realizing my self with our own experience of how important is to clear our energy. I started having salt baths, imagining the white light around me as a protective field, going out in Nature and breath, holding a healing crystal, burning aroma sticks or essential oil to clear my space etc. From Bliss to Turmoil: Karmic Wounds, Other People’s Gunk and Secret Sabotage and other causes of Separation. Plus, 3 Easy Remedies to turn things around right now. This is another question I get weekly from Twin Flames all over the planet – Everything seemed to be going so well (again), then it all fell apart out of the blue. What went wrong? What happened? I’ve enlisted the insight of spirit to a...

May Our Love Shine


Every child

We are all artists in our own ways. Creativity comes in many forms :)

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