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Showing posts from July 3, 2016

walking on the moon ❤

natural ecstatic


Forgiveness is twice blessed. It frees the one forgiven from guilt and you from bitterness. Forgiveness sheds light on the subject. It lets love, instead of judgment, shine in. Judgment curdles the soul; forgiveness invites your spirit to burst into bloom. ~ Daphne Rose Kingma ~ Image "Moonlight flower" by Peter Spellerberg Photosphere I am sorry Please forgive me I forgive you I Love you 

Geometry and Philosophy

“Geometry will draw the soul toward truth  and create the spirit of philosophy.”  ~ Plato

Peace and Love

yes :)

The Courage of Love

REMEMBER: BRAVE DOES NOT MEAN FEARLESS.  If somebody is fearless you can not call him brave. You can not call a machine brave, it is fearless. Bravery exists only in the ocean of fear, bravery is an island in the ocean of fear. Fear is there, but in spite of the fear one takes the risk- that is bravery. One trembles, one is afraid to go into the dark, and still one goes. In spite of oneself one goes, that is the meaning of being brave. It does not mean fearless. It means full of fear but still not being dominated by it.  The greatest question arises when you move into Love. Then fear grips your soul, because to love means to die, to die into the other. It is death, and a far deeper death than ordinary death. In the ordinary death only the body dies, in the death of love the ego dies. To Love needs great guts. It needs one to be capable of going into it in spite of all the fears that will clamor around one. The greatest the risk, the greater the possibility of growth ...

Love Transformation

“The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.” -  Carl Jung  -

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