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Showing posts from April 24, 2016

I Love you everyday

Our Truth Our Love

Transforming to Love

It is so simple!

Veganism, Health, wellness, happiness, alive!

Animals Are Friends Not Food



O Έρως στους Ιχθύς και οι επιδράσεις

Ο Έρως στους Ιχθύς ξεχειλίζει από Ανάγκη για να Ζήσεις την Ζωή σου Ποιητικά* Να Κάνεις την Ζωή σου Τέχνη, Μουσική, Ποίημα, Προσευχή, να την Ενώσεις με το Θείο και το Υπερβατικό* Ο Έρως στους Ιχθύς σε προκαλεί να Ερωτευτείς με όλο σου το Είναι, με την Ψυχή σου, σε Έναν Έρωτα που Αγγίζει την Λατρεία που έχει ο Αφοσιωμένος στον Θεό του* see more:

Love Miracles

When Nature is beautiful


Making the Connection! Worth Watching it!!

The Best Is Yet To Come

∞ “We are experiencing the most Powerful Positive Energy Shift that this planet has ever seen. And Yes, this is why we are seeing so much Negative Energy being drawn to the surface. This is a Cleansing Process. Think of it this way… On a physical level, when one changes their diet and eats Only healthy foods, the body will start to clear out all of the poisonous toxins. The First St ages of Detoxification are very challenging, sometimes painful. This is what we are All seeing and experiencing now in one way or another. We are Waking Up in this Reality. We are going through a Spiritual Detoxification. Please Know, however, that this Cleansing Process is opening New Channels for us to experience Higher Levels of Consciousness and our connection to Source. Some of us have learned to see it as a Fun and Exciting Challenge. On the other hand, some are filled with fear and anxiety. Whoever you are, whatever your life experience has been, whatever you may be Feeling, KNOW that you have the...

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