Prayer If you talk to a rose , which is more alive than any stone image, which is more divine than any stone image.. If you talk to a tree, which is more deeply rooted in God. A tree is alive, with roots deep into the earth, branches high into the sky, connected with the whole, with the rays of the sun, with the stars talk to the trees! That can be a contact point with the Divine. But if you talk that way people will think you are mad. Spontaneousness is thought to be a madness. Formalities are thought to be sanity. Just the opposite is the reality. When you go into a temple and you simply repeat some memorized prayer, you are simply foolish. Have a heart-to-heart talk! And prayer is beautiful, you will start flowering through it. Prayer is to be in Love_to be in love with the whole. And sometimes you get angry with the whole and you don't talk..That's beautiful! You say "I will not talk, enough is enough and you have not been listening to me!" A beautiful g...