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Showing posts from July 15, 2015

earths Universe magic


Sometimes we get confused but eventually we learn how to listen to our selves. Our Hearts. Without fear just serenity.

Ο ήλιος είναι απο πάνω μας

Life Lesson

New Moon

I just realized it is new Moon tonight! Only Peace, Only Love, Only Union, Only Harmony, Only Serenity. Μια αγάπη Γαλήνη για όλους

Im craving for the sea these days.

They say salt water / sea is a great energy clearing as well.

Seeking Peace Within

Closest Photo of Planet Pluto. Nasa took today!

Today NASA's New Horizons spacecraft flew closer to #Pluto than ever, returning this amazing, never-before-seen shot of the surface of Pluto. These are incredible times. PLUTO MEANING Pluto is the planet of major transformation, representing the cycle of death and rebirth. It is responsible for breaking down the old to make room for the new. Pluto can also represent power and control, and reigns over our relationship to authority figures and leadership. Nickname: Lord of the Underworld Zodiac sign Pluto rules: Scorpio Exalted in: N/A House Pluto rules: 8th House of Depth and Intimacy Pluto retrogrades: once every year, with each retrograde lasting five months Pluto stays in each zodiac sign for: about 15 - 25 years Pluto makes a complete trip through the zodiac: about every 250 years Pluto was discovered in: 1930, by Clyde Tombaugh. In 2006, specifications were introduced for the word "planet," containing three main conditions a body mus...

Φύλακες Άγγελοι – Όλοι έχουμε από έναν

Η κάθε ζωντανή ψυχή, η κάθε τοποθεσία, ο κάθε οργανισμός και το κάθε έθνος έχουν τον φύλακα άγγελο τους.Οι άγγελοι δρουν ως απεσταλμένοι του  Θεού πρός τους κατοίκους της γης καθώς και πρός κάθε ζωντανή ψυχή . Ξέρουν ακριβώς τι χρειάζεστε για την εξέλιξη σας, το θεϊκό σκοπό της ζωής σας, η δουλειά τους εισαι εσύ. Οι φύλακες άγγελοι ΠΟΤΕ δεν φεύγουν από το πλευρό μας απο την γέννηση μας μέχρι τον θάνατο ανεξάρτητα από ποια λάθη έχουμε κάνει. Μας αγαπούν με τον ίδιο τρόπο που μας αγαπάει ο Θεός άνευ όρων. Οι φύλακες άγγελοι μας μπορούν να μας προσφέρουν καθοδήγηση κ αγάπη αλλά έχουμε ελεύθερη επιλογή κατά πόσον θέλουμε να τους ακούσουμε ή όχι. Καλέστε τον άγγελο σας να εργαστεί μαζί σας. Καλωσορίστε τον άγγελο σας για να είναι πιο εύκολη η εργασία μαζί του. Αυτό θα δημιουργήσει μεγάλη αξία στη ζωή σας. Μπορεί να σας βοηθήσει με διάφορους τρόπους που πολλές φορές τις ονομάζουμε συμπτώσεις. Πρέπει να ζητήσετε την βοήθεια του φύλακα αγγέλου σας παρόλο που είν...


Love comes from the Soul. You Are my Love

Personal Mandalas / Daily Vibe report

Wednesday July 15th's vibration (15+7+2+0+1+5) = 30/3. 3’s geometric blueprint is the TRIANGLE, the generator of LIGHT. The triangle forms the shape of the Pyramid, and the word Pyre means FIRE. The triangle is used to symbolize Spirit, the eternal flame. We talk about the creative fire within, that when expressed outwards, spreads warmth and light and inspiration. The Triangle is the first enclos ed form that appears in Creation, and is therefore often referred to as the “Mother of Creation”, because it is the surface through which all other shapes are birthed into creation. Creative expression is the core of 3’s energy, the intent to share warmth, joy, love and above all have FUN doing it is the positive expression of the 3. When this vibration appears, fruitful productivity is highlighted, abundance is amplified, and the need to fully express yourself as a creative being is paramount. The energy of the 3 is all about nurturing your creative instinct and exp...


Do not worry at all about negative thoughts, and do not try to control them. All you have to do is begin to think good thoughts each day. Plant as many good thoughts as you can in each day.

Καλημέρα Όλη μέρα

Glittering Eyes