A message – what the remainder of the journey is set to hold, the True Reason Twin Flames are here on Earth, What’s really going on Behind the Scenes right now… As we head into the most energetically powerful period of the year, with Mars and Pluto retrogrades putting pressure on the collective for months to come , and Ascension and upgrades that keep intensifying, I was asked to share a message with the Twin Flame community: “Dearest ones. You have called for help. We are always at your service. The help may not come in the way you expect it, but trust that it will always come. We are here to help you. You are not alone. We come to you today with a message worth bearing: We see so many of you struggle with this transition of identity, self and soul happening, and we want to bring a reminder. You, dear one, chose this for yourself. You chose it because you were so loving and kind and wanted to help. You and your Twin soul, your mirror complement, volunteered to d...