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Showing posts from November 29, 2015

Η αγάπη που

H αγάπη που κινεί τον Ουρανό, τα άστρα, τους ανθρώπους, τα λουλούδια, τα έντομα, που μας αναγκάζει όλους να περπατάμε στην εύθραστη επιφάνεια του πάγου, που μας γεμίζει χαρά και φόβο, αλλά δίνει νόημα σε όλα. Πάολο Κοέλο Απ' το βιβλίο του "Ζαχίρ" P.Sun: Digital Collage / Illustration from My project "Illumination"

Little Turtle

I found this Amazing Photo of this Beautiful turtle. Unfortunately I haven't find more details about the name of the turtle etc, if it really exists this kind of a turtle or not. Because this photo might be Photoshop manipulation. Either way is Beautifully Beautiful!


Eye trick . cool

Eternal Love

"ETERNAL LOVE" - MAGICK SIGIL Copyright © Frater Defensor published by Daniel Tarr CyberGuru


Ήλιε μου


I Love you now

Since the Day we met, I love you every day, Since the Day we met I love you more and more, Since the day we met I kiss you everyday, you are always next to me and I am always next to you. You are always in me and I am always in you for we are one,  your heart is in my heart and my heart is in your heart. I love you now.

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