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Showing posts from October 27, 2015


Ο δρόμος είναι πιο όμορφος όταν τον μοιράζεσαι.  γλ

It Rains after a long time in the dessert and this MagicLand Appears :) Magnificent!!

Full Article:

To the Moon And Back

Breath in the Sun

When we meditate and breath in the Sun, the Light, we open our energy fields to Higher lighting Universal Forces and our energy level increases. You feel like flying.  Your steps, and body becomes lighter.  As more as we can, lets take a moment inside us and breath in the Sun  One Love One Source One Light 


Be Vegan Choose Compassion.

Calcium rich plant based foods

P.Sun :Universal Consciousness

The finished painting  New Piece - painting in wood panel with acrylics and watercolors, and some photos of the Work in progress. The Final Piece photo will be uploaded soon.. Some final details to be added yet :) Title : Universal Consciousness  Νέα δουλειά σε ξύλινη επιφάνεια χρησιμοποιώντας ακρυλικά και ακουαρέλες. Τελική φωτογραφία θα αναρτηθεί σύντομα διότι μένουν κάποιες μικρές λεπτομέρειες να προστεθούν. :)

Respect Earth . Respect All Species

Tonight Full Moon in Taurus – Calling the Leaders of the New Paradigm

By Simon Vorster and Jennifer Langstone Contributing Writers for Wake Up World From Surviving to Thriving… The new paradigm isn’t coming, it’s already here.  The collective shift has now reached a crucial tipping point and, for many souls on the planet, a new way of learning, manifesting and expressing is becoming the new way of life. Although our awakening process has brought us to new shores of heightened personal illumination, as we stand on this new ground, our eyes wide open, we are looking back at where we have come from, faced toward many others who have still yet to make the shift in their own lives. And with today’s Full Moon in Taurus (a supermoon ) the gap between the shores of the old and new – between surviving and thriving – has never been so stark. As leaders of a new society, we are now challenged with the task of building structures of healing and inclusiveness that reflect our new empowering insights and way...

Καλημέρα Όλη Μέρα

και καλή ανατολή

Chakra Cleansing Meditation Music