Scientists find blood from vegans is eight times more protective
against cancer
In a series of experiments people were placed on different diets and their blood was then dripped on cancer cells in a petri dish to see which diet resulted in blood that was more effective at suppressing cancer growth.
Even the blood of those on a Standard American Diet (S.A.D.) fights cancer, but the blood circulating within the bodies of vegans was shown to have nearly 8 times the stopping power when it comes to cancer cell growth. That was after maintaining a plant-based diet for a year.[1]
Samples of blood were taken from women with breast cancer, and then the women were asked to spend 14 days on a plant-based diet and perform 30-60 minutes of light exercise daily. After 14 days their blood was taken again and found to significantly slow down the growth of cancer, as well as increase the blood's ability to kill cancer cells.
However it was also important to test how much effect the exercise component had in suppressing cancer growth, or whether the plant-based diet was solely responsible for the boost in defences.
So a separate experiment[3] was setup and the results found that while the exercise did help to suppress cancer growth, the plant-based diet alone had twice as much power to kill cancer cells.
Lifestyle changes can have a huge effect on our long term health and reduce the risk of contracting cancer and increase the chances of surviving cancer. A plant-based diet and regular exercise can really help improve our long term quality of life. And having blood that's more inhospitable to cancer growth is just one major health advantage of the vegan diet.
Here's a couple of videos that explain the science behind this: