Seven Archangels
Together Archangels form a cohesive unit, one powerful force for Divine Love, and yet they are able to manifest individually, to multiple people at once, or even blend their vibrations. Archangel Michael, Archangel Raphael, and Archangel Uriel for example, may blend together for a specific focused purpose, while simultaneously offering healing, or guidance individually to multiple people at once, all the while broadcasting Divine Love or Protection in another group of Archangels who have manifest in Spirit elsewhere with another purpose. For this reason, Archangels are always available, and willing to help; they exist in a realm between realms, outside of time, in-between space…
Archangels are wise, loving, and are happy to provide clear and direct guidance, healing and frequency whenever they are called upon. Each Archangel has a specific area of expertise in which they focus. Here is a look at the specialties of 7 Archangels.
Archangel Michael– Offers Divine Protection, releases fear, and helps to inspire purpose. Michael works closely with Lightworkers, with individuals who seek to know their Divine Purpose, and promote positive change on the planet. Archangel Michael is one of the easiest Archangels to hear, and he offers direct guidance, and support when called upon.
Archangel Raphael’s main focus is healing, on all levels including mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical healing. Raphael helps those who are in need of healing, those who are healers, and those who wish to develop healing abilities. Simply ask Archangel Raphael to help you, or to go to a loved one, and you will invoke the assistance of this powerful Archangel. Raphael will also work behind the scenes to heal situations, relationships, and to inspire you to make healthy choices.
Archangel Uriel offers an open door to Universal Light and Divine Guidance. The Fire of God, Uriel works to bring illumination to all human souls and will assist you in directly connecting with the flow of Divine Love and Wisdom. Archangel Uriel will help you to transform every aspect of your life through purifying your mental and emotional perspective, and transmuting lower vibrations into enlightened spiritual understanding.
Archangel Gabriel’s main focus is Divine Communication. Gabriel helps communication to flow with the divine qualities of beauty, grace, and clarity. Call upon Archangel Gabriel for more effective communication with others, or to get a message out in a written, or spoken form. Gabriel also works closely with mothers, and children, and she will help you to nurture yourself, and your inner-child.
Archangel Zadkiel carries the flame of righteousness and forgiveness and will assist you in releasing any forgiveness held towards yourself or others so that you can remember the full truth of who you are. Forgiveness will assist you in releasing heavy emotions like fear and anger into the light to be transmuted back into love. Archangel Zadkiel is happy to help you strengthen your connection with the Divine. He can also help you to transmute negative back into pure light, and positive energy, with the Violet Flame.
Archangel Haniel is the Archangel of life force energy, vibrant well-being, and passion for life. Archangel Haniel will nurture you, cleanse your being and transmit any worry or lower vibrations back into the light. Haniel also offers protection, harmony, and grace and will assist you in staying poised and centered amidst changes or new beginnings.
Archangel Metatron is the Archangel of Life, and actually lived a human life before ascending into the realms of the Archangels. Metatron oversee’s the tree of life, the akashic records, and often helps people seeking to discover inner spiritual power, to benefit all life, and honor the Divine.
A simple but powerful Archangel Invocation is simply; Archangel Michael in front of me, Archangel Raphael to my left , Archangel Uriel behind me, Archangel Gabriel to my right. I ask for your protection, healing, light guidance, and divine communication. Connect with me now. Then quiet your mind, focus within, focus upon your heart, and with intention and practice you will experience the many blessings of connecting with the Archangels.