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In sacred geometry, the number 1 is represented by a circle, and 11 can be represented by two circles joined together, and this form is known by geometers/alchemists as the Vesica Piscis. The Vesica Piscis is the form created when two circles connect and yet divide each other through their centres: It is the image of the Vesica Piscis that destroys the myth that polarities are separate from each other. it reflects the unifying principle, that when two polar aspects are first identified, divided and then reunited, an awareness that life is greater than the sum of its’ parts is reached. This imagery reflects the secret to consciousness expansion that the 11 contains, that although we are living with a very polarised world view, male/female, black/white, good/evil, the key to overcome the limitations of this perspective is to marry, or join the polar aspects. And when we do this we birth the number 3, the space that joins the two, defining them and unifying them.
11 is known as the Master number vibration to most Numerologists. The process of Numerology is very simple, the language of vibration is revealed to us through the archetype ABC of the root essence numbers, the single digits 1 to 9, and most compound numbers are reduced to reveal the root essence. But with 11 we stop and marvel at the deeper symbolism that 1 + 1 uncovers, because through the geometry of 11 we can see that 1 + 1 does not equal 2, it equals 3, and in fact reveals to us the power of creation, the real Holy trinity.

“Light cannot reveal itself alone and on its own; shadows or darkness must be present as well- here, therefore, you have a duality. The Good could never reveal itself if Evil were not there as it’s shadow-picture. The duality of Good and Evil is an essential in the manifested world” Rudolph Steiner.
As you can see, when 2 join, a 3rd space is created, but what is miraculous about this form is that it creates the mathematical foundations, or ratios, for the geometry of light, manifestation and procreation, otherwise known as the square roots of 3, 2 and 5 respectively. These initial divisions of Unity create TRIANGLES, SQUARES and PENTAGONS, the geometric building blocks of the universe!
The two circles represent two polar opposites, and in this sense, one circle defines the female or receptive aspect of consciousness while the other circle symbolises the male or expressive aspect of consciousness. The Vesica Piscis is the space that joins the 2 to birth the 3rd, the joining of female and male energy to create a new form. And within this oval form between the two circles, is found the mathematical ratio that creates the synergy of magnetic (female) and electrical energy (male) that actually creates the electromagnetic spectrum, or LIGHT itself. Is it any wonder then, that the Vesica Piscis is exactly the shape of the EYE? After all, it is the window through which we can view light and the REFLECTION of creation.


This is the image of reflection. It is also the image of the creator, “God”, and it is said we are created in that image. The word man, although apparently genderised, comes from the Sanskrit word, Mannas which translates as “the consciousness that can reflect upon itself”. We need light to see, feel, hear a reflection. And what is also remarkable about this image is that it perfectly represents the Ajna or Third eye chakra, always depicted with 2 petals. here I have painted the Ajna Chakra in its resonant colours, Indigo/Violet. So meditating with this image for a few quiet moments will open your Third Eye to the divine source of LIGHT within you!

So with 11 we have the joining of two 1’s that leads us to 2. 1 is a circle, and when we join two circles, we have the image of light, and actually create the vibration of 3, or the trinity. The holiness about the trinity is that when this step of unfoldment is reached, there is no going back, the creative force has been unleashed and set in motion, the geometric blueprints have been identified and the birth of creation has begun. And this translates to us directly and physically as well; at the point of conception, the male and female cells join and pass through the image of the Vesica Piscis to begin the process of cell division.
The revelation of the Holy Trinity is what lies behind the mysticism of the 3. All creation stories across the religious and scientific divides, begin with the source of ALL-THAT-IS existing as a point (or a circle) beyond time and space within a void where nothing else exists, not even light. Then, creation begins by consciousness’ desire to know itself experientially. This desire-awareness created a movement, a vibrational thought-form that divided the God self into 2. To know itself, it had to see itself for what is, and to see is to gaze upon a REFLECTION of itself. Reflection is the mirroring of light, and this is what is depicted in the geometry of the Vesica Piscis, the holographic mirroring of reality. 11 represents the creation and reflection of Light, and reveals to us what we are, light-beings who are reflections of the creator looking back upon itself throughout the whole of creation.

The 11:11 phenomena is spirit reminding us of who we really are, and connects us with the Unity of creation, it opens up a gateway in our consciousness that leads us back home to the source. 11 is viewed as a gateway, it marks the Middle way or path as articulated in the teachings of Yeshua/Jesus and Buddha to name but two. (And by the way,the  word Jesus adds up to 11 too! Whereas Buddha adds up to 22, the next Master number!

11:11 is the ULTIMATE reflected number pattern, the original , and STILL the best! But now we see every kind of variation, and often! Now its the grocery bill, the phone number, the amount of likes! 12:12!! 12.21!! 555! The key theme here is REFLECTION. Light has to be created in order to reflect, and whenever we see this reflection pattern, it is Light revealing itself to itself. And Light is created via the energy of the 3, the Triangle, the Trinity.
“Without a conception of the true Trinity in humankind, we must fall into the snares of the modern psychological doctrines. The lack of perception of this primal “secret of number” has brought much confusion into the world for a thousand years. Man needs to get to know himself in the constant interplay of the three systems, the Sense-nervous system, the Rhythmic system, and the Metabolic system. There is no revelation, no manifestation, without the sway of the Godhead behind it. Hence behind every duality there is a hidden Oneness, a hidden unity. Therefore the Three is nothing else than the Two and the One – the Revelation and the Godhead behind the Revelation.” Rudolph Steiner.
SO next time you tune into the synchronicity of the Universe, and a reflected-number pattern makes itself known in your reality, know that it is the light of your Divine being reflecting its consciousness back to you as the conscious creator! Making sure you are AWAKE! Sat Nam!

Rosalind Pape: Nov 10th 2015.


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