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Answers to the Question why Twin Flames experience seperation?

twin flame separation 

P.Sun: Answers Cassady Cane can give by channeling with her spirit guides and with her own experience lessons. This in general can show us an inside of the reasons you and your loved one are not together yet in bliss. A lesson of how sometimes energy works. I am starting realizing my self with our own experience of how important is to clear our energy. I started having salt baths, imagining the white light around me as a protective field, going out in Nature and breath, holding a healing crystal, burning aroma sticks or essential oil to clear my space etc.

From Bliss to Turmoil: Karmic Wounds, Other People’s Gunk and Secret Sabotage and other causes of Separation. Plus, 3 Easy Remedies to turn things around right now.

This is another question I get weekly from Twin Flames all over the planet – Everything seemed to be going so well (again), then it all fell apart out of the blue. What went wrong? What happened?
I’ve enlisted the insight of spirit to assist us in this answer, in addition to my own personal experience with Twin clients experiencing separation.
Spirit’s insight is this: When a situation shifts – whether for good or for bad – it is always due to an energetic shift. In some way, you have been aligning with what’s happening. We are always sending out energetic signals and aligning with particular experiences. Consider each human being a car on the freeway system of life. Each minute, you make a choice which turnoff to take, which road to follow.
In energy terms you do this by choosing to focus on certain thoughts and dwelling in certain emotions. In other words, if someone is together with their Twin but simultaneously worrying that it can’t last and wondering when this bliss will come to an end, they’re aligning with negativity – with their happiness coming to an end.
It’s Not Even Your Fault
Often this isn’t even your “fault”, I was shown by spirit recently. Many Twin Flames are empaths – sensitive to energy – and unwittingly absorb others’ energies throughout life. Parents, coworkers, friends, internet contacts news figures you read about or watch on tv… And it’s not something we’re aware of.
I used to have health issues during my upbringing, and no doctors could figure out why. They said “maybe it’s just the way you are”. It was utterly disheartening, as you can imagine. It wasn’t until I encountered the world of healing and learned how to clear my energy, that these symptoms began to go away.
Whose Stuff Is Creating Your Journey?
As I went through clearings trying to figure out how I’d created this stuff for myself on automatic, spirit alerted me to the fact that a lot of this stuff wasn’t even my “creation”. They showed me that the physical symptoms were due to congested negative energy in my system – from other people. This was influencing my system, my manifesting, my experiences, everything.
Anger, disappointment, jealousy, repressed hatred, resentment… all kinds of negativity that I’d just happened to be around and had absorbed unwittingly, a lot of it as a child. Because I’d never known how to protect myself, and I’d never even known about energy… It was such an incredible eye opener for me!
The Art of Not Owning Other People’s Baggage
Please remember this on your journey. I’m not saying to go around blaming other people for any problems that might show up, but please know that if you’re experiencing negativity, it’s not necessarily your negativity. It could just be congested gunk you’ve taken on unwittingly from others. What’s creating Twin Flame Separation might not be the Twin pair’s own “stuff”!
This is such an important part of our journey because the Twin Union process is all about purification and uplifting of our vibration, and that’s why the old baggage comes up. So keep in mind not to “own” all the stuff that comes up.
Sometimes keeping a distance to things is good for you – because when you stop “owning” the negativity it can’t attach to you anymore. Energetically you’ve then placed a boundary that says, “you can’t be here” to the negativity.

3 simple steps to eradicate others’ secret sabotage from your journey:
1) Shield yourself daily. However works for you – imagine a bubble around yourself, a knight’s armour made of rainbows – anything as long as you can feel it and believe it. Energy is all about the intentions you send out. Believing is everything. Know you have the power. You can also ask your Twin’s soul for permission to do this for them as well.
2) Don’t buy into others’ stuff – keep an emotional distance if you feel uncomfortable. Ask yourself how certain words and discussions and info feels in your body. If it feels icky, it’s your body and soul telling you “stay away!” Clearing the energy in your home is a huge help here too, it actually gets rid of anything that might have settled already.
3) Clear your energy daily. There are a variety of methods you can do this with – I share the ones I’ve found the most effective in my Vibrational Alignment Program.
When you’re clear and your home is clear, you’ll find it easier and easier to stay in a positive frame of mind, to manifest the things you really want (i.e. not what you’re worried about but what makes your heart sing), and to stay stable and keep your connection with your Twin out of those crazy rollercoaster ups and downs. And if anything should ever take a turn for challenges, you’ll feel infinitely more capable of managing yourself and to rectify whatever needs changing for the better.

Now, onto your specific question – There are a few key reasons things could be shifting in a negative direction for you, and we advise that you always do what you can to regard any challenges as a gift of learning, a mirror that’s showing you what you can adjust so you can get happier results in the future:


POTENTIAL CAUSE #1)   You and your Twins’ energies are being cleared and updated as a part of the collective Ascension process for Twins, which is managed by your higher self and guides and which is what we deal with in the weekly Twin Flame Energy Forecasts here on the site. As a result of this, a wound has been revealed – a trigger that is causing negativity to “erupt” so heavily that it impacts your reality experience in the form of conflict, running, separation…
Solutions: Do what you can to stay in as high a vibration as you can on a regular basis – this will allow you to lessen the impact of any collective energetic “lessons” that Twins are dealing with. You will benefit energetically still, but you will be “up above” the hurtful experience of it. Consider it like watching a film rather than being inside the story. Spirit describes it as being up on the bridge above the raging river, rather than being down in the water.
How do you achieve this? Clearing your energy yourself, staying in a high frame of mind through play, joyous activities and meditation or other mindfulness methods. Lastly a very effective tool I’ve been alerted to, is the connecting to the light track in my Free Downloads for Twin Flames – connect, and spread your energy out bigger than the galaxy. This shifts your energetic presence so you’re less affected by earth-centered negativity.

POTENTIAL CAUSE #2)  You may have created this due to inadvertently absorbing others’ energies. As an example – if you are watching a TV show about unhappy divorcees, you are despite the physical distance, matching your energy to this and absorbing negative beliefs whenever you get emotionally involved in the stories.
Another example is – if you have a coworker or a friend who’s had a terrible time with love recently and has been unhappy and getting more and more jaded with the opposite sex, you will have been exposed to their energy a lot. Although human bodies look separate, on the energetic planes interaction is far less separate – as we interact with others, we interact with their energy. This can be damaging, especially on the Twin Flame journey.
Solutions: As mentioned above; are you protecting yourself against others’ energies? Our advice to speed up the release of negativity during Ascension – by preventing added negativity from attaching to you – is to shield yourself daily during the ascension process and practicing energy clearing. Energy clearing can take many different forms, whether you choose meditation, salt baths and other traditional methods or newer, effective metaphysical tools (such as the ones I teach in the Vibrational Alignment Program).

POTENTIAL CAUSE #3) You are being alerted by you and your Twin’s souls to karmic wounds or other energetic influencers that are getting in your way. As Ascension goes on and any energetic baggage is being purged, this energy is revealed and brought to the surface layer by layer, connection by connection. As one layer is cleared, new things are revealed.
As you hit upon a point of a karmic wound between you and your Twin (this could be a previous interaction between you in prior lives – a bad breakup, betrayal, abandonment or something else that has made one of or two of you associate togetherness with impending hurt), this can trigger a negative reaction.
We don’t always know this consciously, but it manifests as a strong need to remove ourselves from our Twin – to protect ourselves somehow by getting away from them. The reason is the subconscious memory we’ve hit upon, where we associate being together with pain. These wounds impact the most primal parts of our being (survival is hardwired into our brains), where the survival instinct kicks in, and we’ve learned to automatically associate survival with getting away from our Twin.
Solutions: I teach several easy and fast karma clearing tools, as well as tools for how to map out exactly what karmic wounds exist between you and your Twin, and to clear the record between you so you can move out of these patterns for good. The fact that it’s coming up is a good thing, because it allows you to resolve the issue, heal the wound and move on.
I was going to write down a few common Twin Flame karmic wounds I’ve seen in Twins throughout my sessions, but spirit urges me not to, as it’s to your benefit to go in without preconceptions. This way, you yourself can get information about your journey without expecting certain things.

You have in some way created, aligned with and manifested this situation with negative beliefs and worries. This relates to the above karmic wounds also. We know this can be tough to hear, but the fastest way to resolve this and move onto happier times is to take a look inside and figure out any underlying factors behind your current situation. Why this happened, so you don’t have to experience it again.
What do you truly believe about the nature of your Twin Flame connection, deep down? Do you believe that it is easily possible to have a consistently happy relationship together? Do you believe that you are worthy of love? Do you believe that miracles can happen? Do you believe that life is easy and pleasant, or have you been taught that it’s a struggle? Have you been taught that love isn’t real? 
Solutions:  Some self examination is essential in these situations so you can weed out any subconscious beliefs and patterns that may be tripping you up. Nothing happens without your energetic involvement.
So map out what you’ve been taught about love and relationships during your upbringing, what you observed around you and what your parents believed. And examine which beliefs and patterns you may have taken on about the nature of the Twin Flame connection from websites, psychic consultations, friends and other information about the Twin Flame connection as an adult. Weed out the negatives so they cannot shape your journey any longer.
You might want to write it down so you can clear it with energy tools. We go through all this in the Vibrational Alignment Program, designed as a step-by-step roadmap to Twin Flame Union.
In all challenging situations, ask your soul to show you what’s caused this situation, if necessary – in the most gentle way possible, maybe through a dream or an article – so that you can shift out of it and move forward onto situations and a connection that serves you better, without the strife and ups and downs. Then focus on what makes you feel good – raising your vibration and focusing on your ideal situation so you can create this.

And as always, I’m sending you love and light for your continued journey! <3
Cassady x


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