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Eclipsed New Moon blessings to all!
9:03am UT Sept 1st 2016
Don't forget to activate your universe at this eclipse as you too are your own unique little universe, pulsing with these cosmic vibes.

Waves of New Moon Blessings
The Solar Eclipse brings to you the ability to walk through the new doorway of your Higher Essence We can release at the deepest levels, honor what is ending, and leaving chaos behind.
On this powerful New Moon eclipse let's plant seeds of liquid light, encoded with our deepest desires, and then surrender it to the Divine order and Divine timing within the Divine Plan of Perfection..Let us ground the New Earth Light Codes BEloved ones. 
▲ Keeper of The Diamond Light Codes

A path is only a path, and there is no affront, to oneself or to others, in dropping it if that is what your heart tells you . . . Look at every path closely and deliberately. Try it as many times as you think necessary. Then ask yourself alone, one question . . . Does this path have a heart? If it does, the path is good; if it doesn’t it is of no use.”
 ― Carlos Castaneda
New Moon Solar Eclipse 09° 20′ Virgo.
This new moon is taking place in the sign of the Virgo, the sign of the Virgin, with the meaning of Purity. It is also the sign of the Healer.
We all have the capacity to heal – ourselves – and others. Many of us have forgotten this innate ability. Now would be a good time to remember. 
In the Japanese spiritual system of Reiki, the 4th Precept (instruction) has a very Virgoan flavour. It is often translated as “Be Honest in Your Work”, and “Practice Diligently”. A translation that I personally like is, “Be True to Your Way and Your Being”. This is not about what others think, or how they might behave. This is about carving a path true to your own heart’s innate wisdom.
As a Galactic Activation
 I invite you to take a moment of time in Nature.
Find a patch of grass in the park or garden. (If you can’t manage to find some grass, you can just imagine it.) 
Sit or stand and mindfully feel your connection to the Earth beneath you. 
Take 3 long, slow, deep breaths in and feel the breath travel to your main energy centre of the Hara (Japanese) the Dantien (Chinese) which is located just below the navel. 
As you connect to the power of this energy centre, feel the energy travel down your spine, down through your legs and imagine yourself putting roots down, continuing deep down into the very centre of the Earth. 
Then feel the energy from the Heart of the Earth travel up these roots into your Being.
Feel this Healing energy move through your entire body. Feel the Love travel from her core to yours. 
Feel yourself at One, with the Earth, and with all other Beings on the Planet, and beyond. 
Set an intention for Abundance for All. Give thanks and take a moment to really feel your Gratitude. 
You may now like to place your hands on the Earth too.
You may feel her heartbeat match yours.
Take as much time as you need connecting with your own heart and then connect with the vision of life you now wish to create. 
Anytime you feel yourself distracted, remind yourself of this connection you have to Earth.
Anytime you feel the need to connect with her, just bring yourself back with 3 long, slow, deep breaths and feel yourself at peace.


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