How To Balance Your Twin Flame
The concept of twin flames/souls has gained so much momentum in the past few years which has led to a whole new “micro industry” in the spiritual community. There is an endless amount of information that portrays this Divine Union as the most wonderful romantic relationship the Universe can bestow on us as human beings. The purpose of this article is to add some clarity to the reality of this very unique and Divine journey.
Most Twins that are incarnated on this planet are not aware of their
importance to humanity, they are very much asleep and living traditional
3D lives. Then, something happens in their lives that triggers a
series of events that cause them to examine what is happening and why.
Without suitably knowledgeable counselors, physicians, psychologists or
other usual professionals, those experiencing signs or symptoms of a
Divine Union have no idea where to turn. They use the various search
engines to describe their situation, and then will stumble upon “Soul
Mates” and/or “Twin Flames”. Here is where the confusion really
begins, and adds more to the thoughts of confusion and disbelief.
The synchronicities normally seem to be a sense of knowing this
person from somewhere before (soul memory), an ability to communicate
for hours about everything and anything, and inert desire to share
freely all that you know, the ability to be open and share in complete
confidence and trust as well as a deep physical attraction.
As you develop the connection signs will play an important role, you
may be blessed with seeing 11.11 (and similar type numbers grouped
together), seeing the person’s name in unusual places (street signs,
places you visit etc.) and other such indications of something more than
coincidence. There will be an inclination towards a physical
relationship at a very early stage – and at this stage the connection
really enters a phase of pleasure and sensations unlike any other
experience. Other signs include dreaming of them in strange situations,
telepathic communication, knowing what they are feeling or sensing and
the ability to finish each others sentences.
At some point the energy between the two will become overwhelming,
and cause one or both to question what they are feeling. Is this
something I want or even deserve? The triggers of the psyche will be
heightened, and this normally leads to a physical separation . In a lot of cases this has a devastating
effect on one or both of the twins – which then leads to an examination
of the persons “failings” and or “issues”.
The thoughts or memories of the twin will be overwhelming in one’s
mind, the inability to forget or release the things you shared or
experienced. You may continue to have telepathic communication, higher
dimensional experiences such as Astral Travel, vivid dreams or even the
inability to function in a “normal” way.
You will find it difficult to be able to express what you are feeling
or going through due to the “craziness”. In some cases you may revert
to substances or other remedies for gratification, to simply forget –
but the thoughts keep coming back, and usually stronger than before.
These signs should be heeded, as they are your soul telling you that
there is something for you to do with yourself – there is a healing to
take place that is essential to purify your being. There is no point in
making the target of your issues your beloved – this serves no purpose
on this journey. The starting point is to closely examine yourself, and
the repetitive behaviors that you have present throughout your life.
Almost certainly you have come from and abusive family or life
situation, and this is where the journey back to oneself begins.
It is important to get to the very core of yourself, focusing all
your positive energies on going backwards to your shadow self.
Examining all of your behavior, your relationships (with family and
friends), work, school, childhood, and then going into past life
memories. These memories serve as an indication as to your current life
patterns, and can show you the role you played in a previous timeline.
The other timelines will have an impact on understanding who you really
are, as well as any associated Karma you have brought with you into
this timeline.
Our belief templates have to shift – we need to prevent history from
repeating itself, and this is one of the keys to transformation of the
twins’ lives in this incarnation. Turning around to face the past is a
brave act, and one that you should not fear – it is necessary to purify
the soul to enable a re-union. A new Love Between you and your beloved. Because that is the purpose. To unite together in harmony and continue your lives together in order to complete the divine purpose.
The importance of twin reuniting should not be underestimated, for they have a major role to play in the future of Gaia. To expand the knowledge of so many lost souls living in a trapped society – forced by whatever drives them to live in a 3D consciousness.
The importance of twin reuniting should not be underestimated, for they have a major role to play in the future of Gaia. To expand the knowledge of so many lost souls living in a trapped society – forced by whatever drives them to live in a 3D consciousness.
Twins are beginning to wake up very rapidly these past few months –
in some cases people lives have been turned completely upside down for
no apparent reason. If you recognize this then you should try to
research further using trusted sources of information – from suitably
qualified practitioners who themselves are Twins. Be very careful what
information you absorb, particularly within the social media pages – as
there is a lot of misinformation. If a piece of information resonates,
digest it fully, seek guidance from your higher self and guides, see how
it fits into your situation and then slowly process it to get the
answer you need for yourself.
What is important to understand from the very outset is the Twin
Flame journey, is not a traditional relationship – it will include
romance, but is in no way the sole purpose or objective. It should not
be labelled a relationship; A twin Flame Union, is much deeper and
philosophical, and the focus is on how you (in Union) can live in the
purest form of love. The Union will have a mission and purpose, and one
that you will discover as your healing and vibrations rise. The
Universe will give you signs and steps to follow, in turn confirming
step after step you are on the right path.
As a collective we have the ability to change the dynamics of the way
we live, we can begin to reverse the effects of the way we act and
treat each other, and how man treats the most important asset of all,
him/herself. When we can love our self fully, then we are able to love
unconditionally – when we are in our own full truth, we have an impact
on the collective. As we raise our frequencies and vibrations this will
only have a positive impact on Gaia and all of humanity.
The Twin Flame journey is incredibly challenging to any soul, yet you
have been prepared for this. now is the time for us all to stand in
our light and work together, giving and receiving of love and light to
have a positive impact on all that we have on value on this planet.
Don’t be afraid to seek help or guidance, don’t be afraid to share your
story or feelings and don’t be afraid to love yourself fully and freely,
for without you there is no future.
Written by Deane Thomas