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Personal Mandalas / Daily Vibe report

Wednesday July 15th's vibration (15+7+2+0+1+5) = 30/3. 3’s geometric blueprint is the TRIANGLE, the generator of LIGHT. The triangle forms the shape of the Pyramid, and the word Pyre means FIRE. The triangle is used to symbolize Spirit, the eternal flame. We talk about the creative fire within, that when expressed outwards, spreads warmth and light and inspiration.
The Triangle is the first enclosed form that appears in Creation, and is therefore often referred to as the “Mother of Creation”, because it is the surface through which all other shapes are birthed into creation.

Creative expression is the core of 3’s energy, the intent to share warmth, joy, love and above all have FUN doing it is the positive expression of the 3. When this vibration appears, fruitful productivity is highlighted, abundance is amplified, and the need to fully express yourself as a creative being is paramount.
The energy of the 3 is all about nurturing your creative instinct and expression by tuning into your intuitive feelings, and acting upon them, and bringing your ideas into the physical realm.

The creative fecundity of 3’s energy is represented in the 3rd card of the tarot, The Empress: the Mother Goddess, representing the abundant flourishing of Nature, and reflecting the cyclicity of life, death and rebirth. The Empress is ruled by Venus, and Venus seeks to harmonise and balance through love and compassion.
Jupiter is ruled by the number 3 because Jupiter seeks to expand awareness and support humanity through ordered growth and multiplication, which is what the energy of the 3 does through the process of Triangulation. When Jupiter and Venus meet, creative abundance overflows, and fertility reigns.

While under the influence of the 3 the warmth and creativity of LIGHT seeks its expression through you, so today you will be able to freely express yourself, in fact you will demand freedom of expression: you will feel the need to speak your mind and you will expect others to do the same, too.
There is a need to focus your creative energy on worthwhile projects – spreading yourself too thinly will dull your creative impact. A controlled fire provides warmth and enlightenment and sustains life. But a fire that is allowed to burn out of control creates havoc and damage before eventually burning itself out.

We also have the presence of the zero with 30, and the zero is the symbol of the Monad, the circle of perfection that represents the God consciousness before creation began. The zero and the circle represent the Absolute, the I AM consciousness, and this state of awareness can be accessed today. The zero offers the divine protection of this all-pervading consciousness, and will manifest itself in you as a deep-seated feeling of Faith.

The energy of the 30th card in the Tarot, the Four of Wands shows four wands planted firmly in the ground, anchoring the creative energy of the 3 into something tangible and secure. These wands also mark out a gateway, refering to the joining of polarities necessary for creative fecundity, a big theme in this card.
Today can be very productive for you, and there is an air of celebration around, an aura of pride and accomplishment for jobs well done, everything is coming to fruition. In some areas of your life you will feel as though your work has been completed, and now you can reap the rewards.

And as it is the New Moon today don't forget to harness this creative energy by setting your intentions and writing down your Lunar Manifestation list! Enjoy your day everyone!
And if it's your birthday today, then this vibration stays with you for the year as your Personal Year vibration! Go well! Rosalind Pape.



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