Alas de la Vida
La Polinización es vital para la vida en la Tierra, pero en gran medida invisible para el ojo humano. El cineasta Louie Schwartzberg nos muestra el intrincado mundo de polen y polinizadores con magníficas imágenes de alta velocidad de su película "Alas de la Vida", inspirada en la desaparición de uno de los polinizadores primarios de la naturaleza, la abeja.
Posted by Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad on Friday, 3 February 2012
According to numerology the number 11 possesses the qualities of patience, honesty, spirituality, sensitivity, intuition and is idealistic and compassionate. Those PEOPLE who are drawn to 11, operate on a different level of energy than most, and when two people come together who both have this type of energy it’s almost combustible. 11:11 is the universe’s way of urging us to pay attention to our heart, our soul and our inner intuition. It’s serving as a wake-up call to us so that opportunities are not missed in this lifetime. Seeing this particular sequence means that the universe is trying to have us open our eyes and begin paying more attention to the synchronicities around us. Seeing 11:11 also is a sign of experiencing accelerated soul growth, which means that we may soon be finding ourselves living the LIFE we had previously only thought about. Our inner world is changing and we may find PEOPLE and events coming unexpectedly into our LIVES —but at just the ri...