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You mirror me, and I mirror you. When two become One, One becomes two.

You mirror me, and I mirror you. When two become One, One becomes two.

 Vesica Pisces

The Vesica Pisces is easily one of the most profound geometrical images of ancient and modern times.  (5/31/05) It is, for example, considered to be an integral part of the Ark of the Covenant, as described and shown figuratively by ka-gold's version of the Vesica Pisces. The latter article, in fact, ties in rather nicely with the so-called Hourglass Nebula described at the end of this Halexandrian webpage.
Essentially the intersection of two, overlapping spheres, the Vesica Pisces (including the interior portion of it, and/or the more common two dimensional version) represents, among other things:  

1)  The joining of God and Goddess to create an offspring,
2)  A symbol for Jesus Christ,
3)  In art a pointed oval used as an aureole in medieval sculpture and painting,
4)  The vagina of the female goddess,
5)  The basic motif in the Flower of Life,
6)  An overlay of the Tree of Life,

7)  The formative power of polygons,

8)  A geometrical description of square roots and harmonic proportions, and/or
7)  A source of immense power and energy,  
1)  In the earliest traditions, the supreme being was represented by a sphere, the symbol of a being with no beginning and no end, continually existing, perfectly formed and profoundly symmetrical.  The addition of a second sphere represented the expansion of unity into the duality of male and female, god and goddess. By overlapping, the two spheres, the god and goddess created a divine offspring.  The Vesica Pisces motif (and its derivatives, the Flower of Life, Tree of Life, and fundamentals of geometry) has a history of thousands of years and easily predates virtually all major religions of the current era.
2)  The son or daughter of the god and goddess is associated with the overlapping of the spheres -- the resulting three dimensional figure somewhat like an American football. [Sorry about that!]  In the case of Jesus Christ, the two dimensional figure has also served as a symbol for the miracle of the fishes.  (The “tail” also served to more easily identify the source of the plane figure.)  There is also conveyed the spiritual power originating from the interior of this symbol.

3)  Virtually every medieval church in Europe uses as a standard motif, the Vesica Pisces in two dimensions. The fact many of these churches were dedicated to the Virgin Mary or to Mary Madagalene (aka the goddess) is simply part of the understanding.  Several of the churches in northern France are even located in such a manner that their points of light recreate the “lights” of the constellation Virgo.  In Glastonbury, England, the site normally attributed to Avalon (the island of the Goddess), is also where the Chapel of St. Mary is located -- the latter which is apparently patterned with the use of the Vesica Pisces.
4)  The goddess of any and all religions which recognize her power and significance invariably use the Vesica Pisces to identify her.  From the overlapping pools of water and the chalice well cover in the goddess’s garden in Glastonbury (aka Avalon) to any number of representations of the Tree of Life, the goddess and her ability to create and birth life are celebrated.

5)  Drunvalo Melchizedek, in his Flower of Life symbolism, uses the Vesica Pisces as well, and considers it the geometric image through which light was created.
6)  The Tree of Life is shown in one of its many representations as the primary graphic of the home page of this website, and includes the Vesica Pisces (and Flower of Life) quite deliberately.  The ease with which the patterns fit make the inclusion a virtual automatic.  

7)  Robert Lawlor, in one of the best books available on Sacred Geometry [Thames and Hudson, 1982] notes that the Ö3 contained within the Vesica Pisces is “the formative power giving rise to the polygonal ‘world’.”

8)  In Mark Percy's Appendix to the unique book, Two Thirds, Aulis Publishers, London, 1993] the square roots of 2, 3, and 5 (three of the first digits in the Fibonacci Numbers) can be geometrically calculated.  This is just an inkling of the possibilities.  
9)  In 1996, a Crop Circle in the shape of the Vesica Pisces appeared in England.  Anyone stepping into the inner portion of the two circles’ intersection could feel a sudden rush of energy.  More dramatically, is the Hubble Space Telescope photo of the ineptly named Hourglass Nebula <>, in the center of which is a dramatic, colorful object, supposedly the remnants of a dying star (one about the size of our Sun).  The green spot, in fact, is larger than the size of our solar system! (*)  The photograph is so dramatic, in fact, that it has appeared on the cover of National Geographic [April 1997].  (**) Clearly, there is power within the Vesica Pisces!  
This is just a hint of the underlying, incredible significance of the Vesica Pisces, which carries a message which can never be put into words.  See the figures/symbols instead.  
(*)  The specific websites of the Hourglass Nebula (which is clearly a Vesica Pisces and not an

 hourglass), and a similar configuration is:  
In general, the Hubble website is worth visiting, if only
 because of the fascinating pictures which the universe
has so thoughtfully provided for our entertainment.  

    There is a recent book showing some of the more stunning
    photographs from the Hubble Space Telescope, entitled
    The Hand of God, edited by Michael Reagan, Templeton
    Foundation Press, Philadelphia and London, 1999.
    But in any and all cases, come back to visit ialexandriah
 and discover (or remind yourself of) yet more.

The shape of arches in Gothic architecture is based on the vesica. The shape of the vesica pisces is derived from the intersection of two circles, the Pythagorean “measure of the fish” that was a mystical symbol of the intersection of the world of the divine with the world of matter and the beginning of creation.

 The “vessica pisces” is also the center of the Soefi-symbol for twin flames. One soul divided in two, a male part and a female part. Two rings always connected v.p. Jesus of Gamala and Mary Magdalene were twin flames, from their first incarnation in Egypt (as Tuthmose II and Hatshepsut/queen of Sheba>>>Abesh>>Abbesinia>>Ethiopia) in 16th century BC untill last incarnation 1959 AD the Netherlands>>Kampereiland

Source and more info: 


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