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Ancient Moon Teachings For October

Each month close to the full moon on The Wirral I hold a Moon Circle to share the ancient teachings of the moon; we gather together in a spirit of love and community. Since beginning my circle, other circles have been created in the UK and abroad joining us together in the old ways of honouring the moon.

We met under the Aries supermoon which occurred on September 28th. and what a moon it had been accompanied by a lunar eclipse. This was a fire moon immersed in the fire of the sign of Aries and fire resides in the heart and fire is love.
 Here are the teachings from our circle if you would like to follow them for your own healing and awakening:

Draw down the light of Sirius, bring it in through your Crown and let it flow through you surrounding you with its light.

With the love light of this full moon there is an opportunity to understand more about love itself. The greatest love you can ever find is the love for yourself for many of you have lived your lives giving your love away and depriving yourself of love and acceptance. When you love yourself your life flows smoothly for you have learn t to love yourself enough to follow your own heart and to be your own master. This moon brings an opportunity to go deeper into the heart to give you a full understanding of how love works and how necessary it is to embrace this quality for yourself.

Draw down the light of this blood full moon into your heart; it is called that because of the rosy glow it gives off. Fill your heart and each chamber with this beautiful moonlight so that your heart is immersed in its lunar energies. Step now into your heart and you will see the most beautiful landscape in nature and everything you observe from this moment is a symbol of what is in your own heart so accept everything you see. Look around and see the beauty of this scene; there are mountains in the background, a forest nearby, a little waterfall and a bright fire before you. You stand a moment and feel the elements, a gentle breeze flows down from the mountains around you, you listen to the sound of the waterfall, the Sun shines its warmth down upon you and your feet are rooted in the firm ground of mother Earth.

You explore everything knowing that whatever you see is part of you and held within your heart. You look towards a forest wondering why a dark place is there for you do not want any darkness within your heart but as you enter this forest you see that it is filled with light as the sun filters through the trees. You see animals who are very sensitive as they hide behind the vegetation, you observe the beautiful forest flowers and fungi and you understand that in this sheltered place there is so much of great beauty. There are times when you are like the deer of the forest with your heightened sensitivity and you need cover too when life is difficult to deal with. You come out of the forest and as you look around all you can feel emanating from everything is love, there is love in the trees, in the rocks and in the plants and you know that this love is a reflection of the great love you have within your heart. As you make this journey go deeper into the true meaning of love so that you can truly know what it means to love.

One of the ladies in the circle was wearing a beautiful large red crystal heart around her neck and its light was spreading amongst those present so everyone held hands as they received a boost to their heart energies to bring strength and peace within. Visualize this red crystal heart over your heart, take in the vibration and the colour and feel your own heart being renewed bringing you confidence and strength to deal with life.

Another lady had brought me a huge sunflower, it was so beautiful and it radiated so much light, she gave me the message which accompanied the flower and it was so apt for she has a gift for working with flowers. I placed the sunflower in the centre of the circle so that everyone could receive its energy. The sunflower represents the Sun which is the fire which resides in the heart and every aspect of this flower contains so much wisdom. Every flower has its own language and if you can discover it you then have access to so much healing.

The sunflower turns its head to follow the Sun and at times we too need to follow the light when we enter into the darkness of the mind. Its golden petals bring wisdom, it seeds provide food; every part of this plant brings a message. Each person became a sunflower and as this flower they brought messages from the flower to each other. You can become the sunflower, feel your head turn towards the light, feel every part of you as this plant and you too will receive a message for yourself from this flower, a message to help you and guide you forward.

The sunflower is a symbol of peace for in the 1960s a peace treaty was signed between Russia and America and afterwards sunflowers were planted and it was said that now sunflowers and not bombs would be created. Since then this flower has become an international symbol of peace, remember this when you need peace of mind. There is so much to be learned from all flowers so pay attention to those you bring into your home or those you notice when you are outside; for they all wait to speak to you.

We completed our evening by visualising sunflower seeds and we planted them into other people’s hearts and around the world. We did this to the beautiful singing voice of one of the ladies who sang a song about love for singing always brings healing and heightens the vibration of any work which you do. I give to you a handful of sunflower seeds for you to plant too for we must all participate in the healing of the Earth for we are all light workers and much healing is needed at this time. So take your seeds and plant them into the hearts of those whom you know need to find love and peace. Then plant them into the Earth all around the planet and watch as these germinate and bring their golden light of wisdom and healing to the planet.

May you find a greater love for yourself and when you can do this your life will flow like a river of love for when you have enough love for yourself it is only then that you can love the world. I give you the love and the peace of the golden sunflower to plant within your own heart, may it shine bright turning to the Sun so that you will always have the light to light your way,
With much love to you all, Margaret 


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