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Today's Mandala Reading. :)

Sunday September 20th's vibration (20+9+2+0+1+5) = 37/10/1. 1 is the 1st vibration that moves out from the void: it’s energy is inspirational, independent and forward-looking. New horizons beckon, and today is a good time to embrace newness rather than resist it. Something new and different is coming, and you need to be ready to accept it.
The geometric expression of 1’s energy is the CIRCLE. The circle is the all-encompassing ONENESS, the ALL-THAT-IS (and shall BE), expressing unlimited potential and complete Unity simultaneously.
The Sanskrit term “Mandala” means circle, source and wheel, and mandalas have been used by all the earth’s ancient cultures to harmonise and focus the mind and to convey the energy of the Source of consciousness from which everything emanates.
The circle, and “Oneness” are infinite. When you divide the diameter of the circle by its circumference, the rational mind expects a clear and definitive, FINITE number.
But Pi is “a transcendental figure without resolution”. We get a calculation that is infinite, showing us with the circle there is no end and no beginning, it just IS, and IS forever!
This is the primal concept of Oneness, the container of infinity, and this highlights the cosmic paradox that lies at the beginning of creation. So on a 1 energy day, there is infinite potential!
So, both 1 and the zero can be expressed geometrically by the circle, and both symbolsare reflected in the number 10. 10 has a special significance here, as a transitional gateway that we move through to get to the root essence energy of 1.
10 is the self (1) standing side by side with the origin of consciousness, the circle, zero, all-that-is-and-can be. So it symbolises a new plateau of conscious awareness, one where we can stand and look at the vista of infinite unity consciousness.
10 gives us that opportunity to gaze towards the horizon and fills us with inspirtaion for the new direction that now beckons us.
This elevated perception takes us right back to the beginning, a rebirth in the form of the 1, and a new cycle of experience is begun.
10 also celebrates pinnacles of achievements reached and the moment when one can sigh with relief and gaze at the finished tasks with satisfaction. 10 often reaps the rewards of a job well done, and enables you to feel inspired by what the future may hold.
Tarot-wise, we have the 1st card, The Magician, and the 10th card, the Wheel of Fortune working together. Both cards express the fact that WE are the ones responsible for the reality we create, the emphasis being on clarity of the mind and a positive mental attitude.
VITALITY is a word that adds up to 37/10/1. So today you are motivated to focus this vitality into new, constructive, pioneering projects that can open up our view of the world and reality in general. AQUARIAN is another word that totals 37, and in this Aquarian age, we need pioneering, visionary leaders like you to show us the way. To do this, you must remain focused and dedicated to your purpose.
The 37th card in the Tarot is the King of Cups. Here we meet a true "Aquarian", he is seen as an influential, and charismatic leader with great empathy who appears to be in charge of his emotions, at least on the surface, anyway!
With 10/1 we have a new beginning, and here we begin our journey through the suit of Cups, which refers directly to the emotional and intuitive aspects of our intelligence. With 3 and 7 working together today, we are being encouraged to express (3) our emotions and intuitive thoughts (7), in fact, speaking up about whatever is on our minds. If you do it is likely that you will reach a new plateau of awareness and emotional intelligence through the 10, one that can direct you to a whole new way of thinking and being.
And if today is your birthday, this vibration stays with you for the year as your Personal Year vibration!
Enjoy it! Rosalind Pape 20.9.2015.


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