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September Solar Eclipses

September is a month of magic and mystery. The celestial energies this month will heighten your intuition, giving you access to parts of your soul that have been long forgotten.
Can you feel it? There is something stirring within you, a yearning to become a bigger, bolder and more courageous version of yourself. Now is your time.
The events you will experience this month will have a long-lasting effect, most likely shifting the course of your life. It all begins this Sunday…

Eclipse season begins

You are most likely familiar with the moon’s magnetic effect on your emotions. Just as the moon’s force affects the tides, your emotional waters stir when the moon is strong. You can also dive into the depths of your subconscious, tapping into your intuition.
The lunar energies are magnified this month, amplifying your emotions, and enhancing your intuitive abilities.

September 13th is a New Moon Solar Eclipse

New Moons are always a potent time to plant seeds for new beginnings. September’s New Moon intentions will have a lasting effect through the course of your life. Solar eclipses light the path for your future. This is the time to express your true nature. Relationships formed now can transform your life. Decisions made at this time will change the course of your direction.

September 27th is a Supermoon Lunar Eclipse

During this Full Moon, its magnetic pull will be exponentially powerful, because of its close proximity to the earth. Like the tide washes away the ocean’s debris, lunar eclipses are a potent time to release energies from the past, including your past lives, that have been limiting you from the prosperity, love, and abundance you deserve. This full moon will be in fiery Aries, giving you the strength and courage to pursue your purpose, enhance your worth in relationships, (which will naturally increase your financial wealth,) and live the life your soul intended.

solar eclipse 2015 

Veils between worlds are lifted

The period between the eclipses are a powerful time to access your hidden gifts, talents and abilities. All that has been eclipsed from your consciousness, anything that has been buried in your psyche will come to light during this transcendent time.
You must navigate these deep spiritual waters with intention.
Use this powerful energy to let go of anything that doesn’t serve your highest purpose. Release all beliefs, relationships and circumstances that no longer benefit you. Actively pursue a path that delights your soul. Your intuition will guide you. If you FEEL GOOD when you think about someone or something, that is your inner voice speaking to you. Trust it.

888 – Your Immortal Soul

8 is the number of infinity and wealth. It teaches you how to live passionately and attract prosperity into your life by living passionately, and harnessing your emotions in positive ways. When you are in alignment with your soul’s purpose, you will naturally attract abundance.
  • September 2015 is a 17/8 Universal Month (9+ 2+0+1+5 = 17)
  • 2015 is an 8 Universal Year (2+0+1+5 = 8)
  • This double 8 energy will amplify the expansive energy you’ve been experiencing this year
September 17th is a triple 8 day (1+7 = 8). This is a day to remember.
lunar eclipse 201517 is a higher vibration of 8, because it is associated with your your soul’s legacy. Mercury goes retrograde on September 17th. This is highly significant that it is happening on the 17th day in a 17/8 month in an 8 year, in the middle of this powerful eclipse season.
You have the opportunity to heal your past, so you can create the future you desire.

Light up the world

There’s only one of you. Nobody else has the gifts that you were born to share. If you want to leave a lasting legacy in this world, ask yourself:
  • How do you want to be remembered?
  • What gifts are inside of me that are longing to be expressed?
  • If I wasn’t afraid of living my dreams, what would I do?
Remember, only YOU can fulfill your heart’s desires. Use this beautiful celestial energy to help shine brighter than you’ve allowed yourself before. During this period of the eclipse moons, it’s your time to shine like the sun.
Leave a comment below and let me know about the wonderful things you are doing.
Lots of love,


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