Below is a paragraph from a bigger article "How to Be Happy When Everything Falls Apart: Harnessing the Ancient Power of Paradox" which is an experience of someone and how he understood that when we feel connected with each other and the universe then there is always a good outcome.
Im posting this paragraph because I liked the explanation he gives on Yin and Yang.
" Paradoxical Logic is about seeing the Universe and everything in it as interconnected – that every-one and every-thing in existence are somehow connected to each other.
The polar opposite of Western thinking, Paradoxical logic basically says that black and white, instead of being unique and separate from each other, are in fact connected and somehow part of each other.
Since the way we see black is deeply colored (sorry, couldn’t resist…) by our experience of white, white then is an equal part of the identity of black. If white didn’t exist – we wouldn’t really understand what Black is all about.
Understanding what “white” is significantly enhances our understand and experience of “black”.
Therefore, while white and black mayINDEED
be opposites, according to Paradoxical logic, they are not separate.
In fact, if you look at the picture here of the Yin-Yang, you can see the lesson it is trying to teach: that white and black are two parts of a bigger whole.
Within black is also the understanding of white (i.e. the tiny white circle), and within white is also the understanding of of black (i.e. the tiny black circle.) Yet, when these two “opposites” come together, something even greater is created in the process – the wholeness of the circle."