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Showing posts from July 13, 2016


A Prayer for Clear Communication

A Prayer for Clear Communication: Dear God and the angels, I have a profound desire to feel a deeper connection with you. Please help me clear the pathways of communication so I may easily receive your loving messages of divine guidance. My desire is to hear clearly, see clearly, and feel clearly. Help me understand and have a clear knowing of what the messages mean. Thank you for all your help as I journey toward a deeper connection with the divine.  😇 💖 😇 💚 😇 💙 www.AngelicHealingByDanica .com

Beautiful Mandarin Ducks

Beautiful Mandarin ducks  Photo by Milan Vorisek on Flickr 


When Nature is Beautiful

Its a hearty day

Α leap of Faith

Καλημέρα Όλη Μέρα